
Wednesday, July 17, 2019

SATURDAY: The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go! Outdoor Screening; SUNDAY - Evening of Conscience & Culture

From the Revolution Club-LA:




In The Name of Humanity,
We REFUSE To Accept a Fascist America
A Better World IS Possible
Concentration camps at the border...
Tanks in the capitol...
A regime that could destroy civilization
You think you know...but you don't
If you are agonizing about what must be done
You need to watch this speech

Bring a Blanket or Chair to:
Sunset Triangle Plaza
Silverlake, Los Angeles
July 20th 8 PM
Hosted by the Revolution Club Los Angeles
323.424.6687   @tuneintorevcom


From RefuseFascism-SoCal:
An Evening of Conscience
Free the #Freeway9 and #UCLA5
It's right to sound the alarm against fascism!

Sunday, July 21, 5-7pm
Immanuel Presbyterian Church
3300 Wilshire Blvd, (Wilshire and Berendo), LA 90010
Participants so far include: Cecil L. “Chip” MurrayStephen Rohde, Chair of Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace and retired civil rights lawyer; Rev. Frank Wulf, Pastor in Charge, Echo Park United Methodist Church; Isabel Cardenas, Salvadoran-American Community Activist and co-initiator, Refuse Fascism.

When your government is being run by an OPEN white supremacist, torturing immigrants in concentration camps, gutting the rule of law, taking away the right to abortion... consolidating a fascist America... Should you do nothing? Or should you stop business as usual?

The #Freeway9 and #UCLA5 are facing criminal charges for blocking the 101 Freeway in the Fall of 2017 and for disrupting the fascist Steve Mnuchin at UCLA in the Spring of 2018. These actions – for which the defendants are facing years in jail and several thousand dollars in fines – were aimed at sounding the alarm against the Trump/Pence Fascist regime, responding to a call from Refuse Fascism for a movement of millions to drive this regime from power through mass, sustained, nonviolent protest in the streets. 

This is the only way to stop this nightmare.

It’s not enough to hate what's happening: choose what side you're on, or history will choose for you.

Join us for an evening of conscience, illuminating the stakes of these cases, the dangerous precedents being set, why these heroes should be defended and what it means to act commensurate with the dangers to humanity posed by the Trump/Pence fascist regime.

For more information on this case, including the recent mistrial and hung jury, the pattern of political suppression, the LAPD spying and more, go to
* Monday, July 22 - 8:30 am - Dept 62, Metropolitan Courthouse, 1945 S. Hill Street 

Pack the courtroom for pre-trial hearing for two of the defendants, Chantelle and Alex, whose first trial ended with a hung jury. LA City Attorney, Mike Feuer, has doubled down and they are going ahead with a second trial which could start as early as July 25.

Watch this inspiring 1 minute video. 
Sign the petition to Demand: Drop the Charges!
* For more on the dangerous precedent being set by the prosecution, read: Some Observations on the Declared Mistrial of the Freeway 9 Defendants: This Fight Is Not Over! The Stakes Are Great for All Those Who Hate This Regime, and Who Wish for a Better World
For more information: Refuse Fascism LA 323.946.1742