
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

FRIDAY - The Michael Slate Show: Paul Street, Beyond Impeachment, Remove This Regime from Below. Plus, Andy Zee, December Disruptions -- #OUTNOW

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Friday, November 29, 2019
10 - 11 AM - PDT
The Michael Slate Show

KPFK 90.7 FM  |  Listen Live
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This week: 

Paul Street, Beyond Impeachment, Remove This Regime from Below

Paul Street wrote in "Beyond Impeachment, Remove This Regime from Below, "The best way to remove Trump is not merely through elite procedures designed by wealthy 18th Century slaveholders, merchant capitalists, and publicists for whom democracy was the ultimate nightmare. It is through a sustained mass rebellion by and for those the U.S. Founders and the American ruling class today fears most: We the People."

Andy Zee on #OUTNOW and December Disruptions

Andy Zee, co-initiator of Refuse Fascism, and member of the National Revolution Tour, joins us to talk about the next step for the #OUTNOW movement:There is no Santa Claus, and He Won't Remove Trump and Pence.

A month of flash protests, banner drops, rapidly responding to sharp political events, and other actions to disrupt the advance of fascism, disturb the normalization and complicity of those who oppose Trump/Pence but are passively going along, and build the movement to drive the regime from power.