
Friday, March 20, 2020

The Michael Slate Show on Coronavirus: Eunice Cho, Release Immigrants in Detention!; Lenny Wolff, Natl Revolution Tour, Capitalism is Making It Worse

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Friday, March 20, 2020
10 - 11 AM - PDT
The Michael Slate Show

KPFK 90.7 FM  |  Listen Live
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This week:
ACLU Demands Release of Immigrants at High Risk in ICE Detention
We'll hear from Eunice Cho, senior staff attorney at ACLU’s National Prison Project. The ACLU filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) requesting that some detained immigrants in Tacoma, Washington, be released during the coronavirus outbreak. Eunice Cho pointed out that “In normal circumstances, ICE has proven time and again that it is unable to protect the health and safety of detained people. These are not normal circumstances, and the heightened risk of serious harm to people in detention from COVID-19 is clear.”

Lenny Wolff of the Get Organized for an Actual Revolution Tour, on the Coronavirus, A natural disaster in a system of savage inequalities: capitalism-imperialism

There is a lot of confusion about the coronavirus. There is misleading information coming from people in power, especially Trump. Yet this will be a life-and-death question for tens of thousands of people, and very likely more. This is a novel (new) virus for which there is currently no cure, vaccine or immunity, and the World Health Organization has declared it a pandemic—which means it is all over the world. Getting to the truth on this is urgent, including the ways the system is making it worse.

We'll talk with Lenny Wolff, a veteran communist and fighter for the new communism of Bob Avakian, and other members of the National Revolution Tour.