
Monday, May 25, 2020

Raising $15,000 for REAL Revolution - May 30 Revcoms Livestream

From Revolution/


Fundraising Livestream for The National Get Organized for an ACTUAL Revolution Tour and
The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less—Show!

Saturday, May 30, 3 pm PST / 6 pm EST
$15,000 goal

Spread the word, tune in and join with others in supporting the National Tour to Get Organized for an ACTUAL Revolution.
“The World Today Is a Horror – But a Better World IS Possible!” This is the basic message of the National Revolution Tour, out to shatter the myth that there is no alternative to this horrific system of capitalism/imperialism, with its brutal inequalities made increasingly worse by a global pandemic and with mortal dangers of the Trump/Pence fascist regime at the helm. Confronting this crisis and all that underlies it, the Tour is bringing alive the possibility of a radically different world and society achievable only through an actual revolution to emancipate all of humanity based on the new communism developed by Bob Avakian. In challenging new conditions, we are going to work to organize forces for this revolution.
Tune in to hear from Tour volunteers about the work we're doing on the ground in LA and hear from people who are working on The RNL Show. This show is like none other in existence seeking to provoke, challenge and inspire people with the need and basis for real revolution and the critical scientific spirit of the new communism.
None of this is possible without your financial support. There are people who have put their lives toward accomplishing this objective and they can only do this if there are thousands who lend their support and their energy to finance and spread this.
What would you give for growing numbers of people to stop passively hoping for a return to “normalcy” that is illusory and a nightmare to begin with? What would you give for increasing numbers of people to raise their sights to a whole different way the world could be, and put something on the line to fight for it?
Through this livestream, and the work to build towards it, we need to raise $15,000 AND we're aiming to raise this from a much larger pool of donors – building a community of revolution. Imagine if 150 people gave $10, 100 gave $20, 10 people gave half their stimulus check of $600 and 3 gave the full $1,200. This would be more than the needed goal and is the kind of broad mass movement for revolution needed now.
You are needed – to contribute, and to reach out to others. Use your stimulus check to stimulate the revolution! Call friends and family, ask them to match what you are able to give. Now more than ever, there's nothing more important your funds could go towards than this hope for humanity.

For more about the National Get Organized for an ACTUAL Revolution Tour click HERE

New Statements of Support:

"I KNOW people want to see earth and humanity have a better future"

May 25, 2020 |

From a Los Angeles-based immigration attorney:
Even though I don’t know about the new communism of Bob Avakian, I want to raise consciousness, and I agree with the diagnosis, so I am donating. People can say to me “then you support communism and violence” but I am saying I do not know, yet, and I am studying... but I DO know that I agree with the goals for a better society. I could say “I don’t know about this...” but I do know about the osmosis between Refuse Fascism and the National Revolution Tour, and even though I am not “fully conscripted”—I agree with the diagnosis. We KNOW fascism is a function of capitalism and imperialism, we can have certitude about that. How to replace it and what to replace it with? I don’t know everything about that and I am just starting... but I KNOW people want to see earth and humanity have a better future. I give to a number of causes. There are a number of people doing good things. Most important on the National Revolution Tour and Bob Avakian: I DO think science should lead the way and I also agree morally, I want humanity to progress. If it wasn’t moral I wouldn’t give, but it IS moral—there is a moral underpinning, and I believe in it.
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From a retired person:
As a retiree with no pension, no retirement account, or no savings, and living on a monthly social security payment, I find it hard to make ends meet each month, but I don’t find life nearly as hard as those who are incarcerated, immigrants that are put in detention, Black and Latinos who are hounded and murdered by the cops and vigilantes, people throughout the world living in refugee camps, children in other countries forced into a life of hard labor, people in the world without water and toilets, women who are forced to sell their bodies in order to live, and those who live in war ravaged countries. These are some of the horrors of capitalism/imperialism. I hunger for, yearn for, and fight for these horrors to be put to an end and a better world be brought into being. The only hope we have is revolution that ends this system of capitalism/imperialism, and this is expressed in what Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, (BA) states in BAsics 3:1, “Let’s get down to basics: We need a revolution. Anything else, in the final analysis, is bullshit.”
The National Get Organized for an ACTUAL Revolution Tour (Tour) is putting that into practice. They are making revolution today so the world, tomorrow can bring about what I and others hunger and yearn for. The Tour and what it can accomplish—bringing forward many more people who will be followers of BA and the New Communism he has brought forward—cannot succeed without funds. Funding this Tour is a critical element for people to be a part of this revolution that is the only possibility of bringing about a world without oppression.
I am pledging $500 for the May 30th Tour livestream. I am also pledging that I will convince at least one person to sustain the Tour on a monthly basis. To all those who feel the way I do, I challenge you to do the same. You can join, along with me in feeling the great joy in being a part of this and knowing that this is what your life can be about.
This is the uplifting joy that BA expresses in BAsics 6:18:
There is the joy that comes from seeing the ways in which people break free of constraints and rise up and begin to see the world as it really is and take up more consciously the struggle to change it. There is the joy of knowing that you are part of this whole process and contributing what you can to it. There is the joy of the camaraderie of being together with others in this struggle and knowing that it is something worthwhile, that it is not something petty and narrow that you are involved in but something uplifting.  There is the joy of looking to the future and envisioning the goal that you are struggling for and seeing people come to even a beginning understanding of what that could mean, not just for themselves but for society, for humanity as a whole.
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From a $100 donor:
Hotep (peace upon your family),
I am excited to support the Revolution Club. I taught social science at the high school level for almost 20 years and am so happy to hear anyone promoting a scientific approach to analyze what ails society and to synthesize solutions to social ills. The laws that control large-scale social interaction are as immutable as gravity or photosynthesis. Just because we do not know these laws does not mean we are not subject to them. The current foolishness around U.S. exceptionalism negates understanding that the U.S. is a typical empire seeking to exacerbate its global hegemony by any and all means of hierarchical repression. History is replete with examples of the ruthless violence promoted by the top-down systems of feudalism, slavery and now capitalism. The social system of capitalism that the ruling class uses to maximize profit and power keeps the overwhelming majority of planet earth in economic poverty and ecological devastation. It is high time to use the catalyst of revolution to move humanity, and the very planet on which we live, to safety. There are no other solutions that will save us before our so-called rulers destroy us and all those whom we love. Please join the Revolution Club in whatever way you can to promote revolution right now.
Forward ever!