
Sunday, June 28, 2020

New Podcast: Emancipate Humanity with Bob Avakian

Announcing: a new podcast!! EMANCIPATE HUMANITY with Bob Avakian. Presented by the RNL Revolution, Nothing Less Show. Listen to the first episode on
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On Episode 14 of the RNL show: Radical change IS coming — will it be emancipating or enslaving, revolutionary or reactionary?

For the first time in years, the masses of people rising up against oppression have the initiative. This is a tremendous and welcome change! But the fascist Trump/Pence regime is doubling down and will not easily be defeated. With powerful footage from Bob Avakian exposing the roots of this fascism, a look at key questions posed in the struggle for Black lives, coverage from the anti-Trump protests in Tulsa and nationwide, and a deep conversation between host Andy Zee and Lenny Wolff, this episode will arm you with the understanding you need to wage the critical fight for the future now raging.

Hosted by Andy Zee & @sunsarataylor

A weekly YouTube show about ACTUAL revolution,
based on Bob Avakian's new communism