
Saturday, July 13, 2024

Do you want the truth that the powers-that-be don't want you to know?


Do you want the truth that the powers-that-be don't want you to know?

Dear subscribers,

Are you subscribed to Bob Avakian's substack?

If not, change that now. Go to and put in your email address to get Bob Avakian's revolutionary analysis in your inbox every time a new message is posted!

As he said himself in his first post, Bob Avakian (BA) is:

“...coming to you straight up, bringing truth the powers-that-be don’t want you to have—truth you need to know—the truth about the revolution we need: why this revolution is necessary; why and how it is actually possible, and what this revolution is all about. Because: If you don’t understand why we need a revolution, and how that revolution could be possible, then you don’t know what you need to know.”

If you don't understand why we need a revolution and how that revolution is possible then you don't know what you need to know

BA is providing real-time revolutionary leadership, speaking directly to the most burning questions facing humanity and the planet—speaking to everything from the fascist Supreme Court to why there's no such thing as “human nature”... why our choices are not between MAGA fascist Trump and Genocide Joe Biden... questions of basketball to the nature of this capitalist system, and what kind of world we could bring into being with a radically different system... why we need a revolution, and how this revolution is possible—not in some far off distant time, but right in this time that we're living in now.

Up against all the surface-level garbage that passes for “analysis,” the narrow identity politics and revengism that predominates among the so-called left, and the American chauvinism and reformism that delimits the thinking and even the dreams of far, far too many people. There is no other voice like Bob Avakian's... no other leader speaking to these questions, with the far-sighted vision and urgent revolutionary determination that BA is.

Tap in, and spread this to others!

In addition to signing up yourself, take the next couple days and reach out to your friends and family. Especially as we go into the fascist coronation that will be the Republican National Convention, everyone who hungers for a different way of living needs to tune in to what BA is saying, and be part of spreading this to others.

If you're on any other social media platforms, make sure you're following @BobAvakianOfficialengage, comment and spread this to others. Bob Avakian's social media is where you go to learn how to understand what is happening, why and what's in the interests of humanity... this is where you go to learn the scientific method for how to think—in opposition to all the anti-scientific ways of thinking that people are trained in by this system.

Again, sign up, follow and spread this to others!

Go to the BobAvakianOfficial substack to sign up.—where you go to scientifically understand and radically change the world...

Follow: @TheRevcoms

