Thursday, February 7th, 6 - 9 PM
Discussion of the Above Quote from BAsics Revolution Club Organizing Center 2716 S. Vermont Ave. #8 (upstairs)
BAsics, from the talks and writings of Bob Avakian is a selection of quotations and short essays—it really is the handbook for revolution. Each quote concentrates the scientific method that people need to understand and transform reality. Really digging into these quotes is a big way of how we see training people to lead and strengthening and expanding the solid core of the movement for revolution.
You Can't Change the World If You Don't Know the BAsics
The section on Education begins on page 31 at revcom.us/SocialistConstitution.
"Let's talk about education. Imagine kids who actually wanted to go to school! Imagine if they weren't degraded and insulted all the time and treated as if they couldn't possibility learn anything or have any important ideas. Imagine if the educational system actually told them the truth and helped them to understand about the world and history and nature and society. Imagine if it actually helped them to think critically to challenge everything. Yes the teachers, and yes even the party and its leaders.
What if the educational system drew the kids in along with the teachers and staff and said this is a whole new society, a new world - what are your ideas about how this could all be done better? Imagine if the education combined practical things with theory so the things they were studying and learning, they would go out in society and talk to people who did those things. Or, instead of casting the old people off, like useless garbage, they invite the old people in to talk about the horrors of the old society and their experience,and what the new society means to them, and have them have an exchange with these kids in the schools. And have the students learn practical knowledge as well as studying theory, learning science and grappling with philosophy.
The same in science. Right now science often scares people. It's intimidating. You're taught that you can't possibly understand these things. That it's all mysterious. It's not the scientists' fault. Or at least not mainly. It's the kind of society we have and the way in which they want people to be divided into different classes, groups and castes so that some people use their minds and other people can only use their bodies or just waste away, or die fighting in a war. Imagine if science were bought to everybody and made the exciting thing it is for everybody. Struggling to investigate and learn about the world and the way it works and all the different things both here on earth and in the far - what the religious people call the heavens. Imagine if here in the realm of science the scientists got together with the "ordinary people" - with the students in the schools, with the workers in workplaces, and talked to them about science, drew them into scientific experiments and investigation got their ideas and found out the questions they wanted to know about the world, then worked out ways of people uniting together and cooperating to develop experiments and investigation in science that pursued these things. Imagine if science, like education and all these other parts of society, actually were serving to transform a society to get rid of oppression, exploitation and inequality and to help the people throughout the world wage a revolutionary struggle to do the same."
BAsics 2:7
—Bob Avakian

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