
Friday, August 27, 2021

You're Invited: Revolution Club Mass Meeting, Sunday, August 29, 3 pm


Sunday, August 29, 3 PM
Revolution Club Mass Meeting

From the Revolution Club - Los Angeles:

Let’s get down to basics: We need a revolution— nothing less!

To everyone who can’t stand this world the way it is ... who is sick and tired of so many people being treated as less than human ... who knows that the claim of “liberty and justice for all” is a cruel lie ... who is righteously enraged that injustice and inequality go on, and on, and on, despite false promises and honeyed words from people in power (or those seeking power) ... everyone who agonizes about where things are headed and the fact that to be young now means being denied a decent future, or any future at all ... everyone who has ever dreamed about something much better, or even wondered whether that is possible ... everyone who hungers for a world without oppression, exploitation, poverty, and destruction of the environment ... everyone who has the heart to fight for something that is really worth fighting for: You need to be part of this revolution

This revolution is not just “a good idea”— it is actually possible.
If any of this describes you, come to this month’s Revolution Club meeting. The Revolution Club holds monthly mass meetings to bring people together to get deeper into A Declaration, A Call To Get Organized NOW For A Real Revolution.

Contact us for details @revclub_la     (323) 671-9839

"Organizing people into this revolution means reaching out to all sorts of people—getting people together to grapple with why an actual revolution is necessary, what such a revolution involves, and what kind of society this is aiming for. This enables people who are new to the revolution to themselves become organizers for this revolution , spread this revolution , and to recruit more and more people to do the same." —A Declaration, A Call To Get Organized NOW For A Real Revolution

So this is what we will be doing at the meeting. We’ll use the Declaration and Call to get into:
  • Why we need a real revolution to overthrow the system of capitalism and why anything less will completely fail to deal with the root of the problem or lead to an actual solution
  • Why revolutions are not possible all the time, and are rare especially in a powerful country like this. Why THIS is one of those rare times and circumstances?
  • Why if you are serious about revolution you need leadership with a scientific method, strategy and program - we HAVE that leadership in Bob Avakian. Why we are followers of Bob Avakian, and why you should become one too if we ever want to get free and put an end to this madness.
  • Why and how we have to build the movement and the organized forces for revolution, to actively prepare for the situation where we can make revolution and something much better brought into being
@The Revcoms
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Friday, August 20, 2021

From Bob Avakian:On COVID, The Importance Of Getting People Vaccinated, And The Very Real Problem Regarding Rampant Individualism



From Bob Avakian:
On COVID, The Importance Of Getting People Vaccinated, And The Very Real Problem Regarding Rampant Individualism

August 16, 2021 |


Extreme individualism—the concept that “I have a right to do whatever I want, in line with my sense of my personal freedom”—is a tremendous problem in this society today, among all sections of the people. And one of the worst things about this is that this extreme individualism is actually a point of unity between some Black people, and other oppressed people, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the genocidal racist fascists. What a terrible situation where some Black people and other oppressed people can actually find themselves in the same place as those fascists who regard them as inferior sub-humans and want to deny them basic rights, lock them up permanently, or outright exterminate them!

This has come out sharply around the question of COVID vaccines—in opposition to getting the vaccines. While there is, particularly among Black people, some awful history with medical experiments, and some bad experience, historically and right to today, with medical authorities and medical treatment, it is a fact that the COVID pandemic has, in this country, hit Black people (as well as Latinos and Native Americans) the hardest, and with the heaviest death toll; and it is a fact that the vaccines against COVID have been clearly demonstrated to be safe and to be overwhelmingly successful in preventing serious illness and death from COVID. So, there is no good reason NOT to get these vaccines—and refusing to do so not only puts those refusing at risk of serious illness and possibly death, but also exposes others to the same risks.

And people are not just refusing to get the vaccines because of any legitimate concerns about the safety (or the effectiveness) of the vaccines. Far too many people—especially lunatic anti-scientific fascists but far too many others as well, including among those hardest hit by the COVID pandemic—are refusing to get the vaccines because of a combination of crazy conspiracy theories, other anti-scientific garbage, and rampant individualism. People insist that “it is a matter of personal choice” whether to get the vaccine—and those refusing to get the vaccine argue (often angrily and belligerently) that “it is a matter of my personal freedom.”

This is nonsense—very harmful nonsense! Individual freedom is not absolute—as almost everyone will agree when this is posed to them in terms that do not run up against their individualism. For example, few will argue that someone should have the freedom to drive 100 miles an hour through a school zone when children are crossing the street. And any reasonable person will agree that it is not okay for white supremacists to lynch Black people—or for the police to wantonly murder Black people—simply because they feel like it—because they see it as an expression of their “individual freedom” (and “personal choice”).

Along the same lines, it is worth noting that, in opposition to civil rights laws, people who owned businesses, such as stores and restaurants, and wanted to discriminate by refusing to serve Black people, would very frequently argue that it was a matter of their “freedom” to discriminate in this way (their right to do what they wanted with their business). And we have seen the same kinds of arguments from people who want to discriminate against other oppressed groups. Should that “individual freedom,” to discriminate in that way, be upheld?

It would be impossible to live in any society where “individual freedom” (or “personal choice”) were absolute. The question is: Are expressions of individual freedom, or restrictions on individual freedom, good or bad—do they make for a better, or worse, society?

This is why no woman should ever be forced to bear a child against her will, and it should therefore NOT be legal to deny women the right to abortion. And, on the other hand, it is why it SHOULD be legal to require (mandate) that people get vaccinated against COVID (except those for whom it would actually pose a demonstrable health problem) and mandatory to wear masks in situations where there is a real possibility of contracting, and spreading, COVID.

Read more articles on the COVID epidemic at

WATCH TODAY, 8/19 at 5 PM:

Wednesday, August 18, 2021




As the Taliban Take Over Afghanistan and America Is Driven Out in Defeat...

August 16, 2021 |


As we wrote last week, nearly 20 years ago the fanatical Islamic fundamentalists of al Qaeda hijacked several airplanes and flew two of them into the World Trade Center, a massive office complex in New York. The center was destroyed and nearly 3,000 people were killed. They also attacked the Pentagon, headquarters of the U.S. Defense Department.

In response, the U.S., under Republican President George W. Bush, declared war against the government of Afghanistan, which had allowed al Qaeda to stay in their country. The Afghanistan government was headed by a fanatical and repressive Islamic fundamentalist group, the Taliban.

The U.S. invasion of Afghanistan cost tens of thousands of Afghan lives, as well as those of several thousand U.S. and European invaders. While this mission was draped in all kinds of honeyed phrases about “spreading democracy” and “liberating women,” in its essence it was about two things:

First, delivering the Mafioso-style message to every other force in the world that if they dared attack the U.S. or even allowed an attack to take place from their soil, they would be destroyed with a vengeance a hundred times worse; and

Second, trying to radically and violently extend U.S. power in a much broader and deeper way into the Middle East and Central Asia and, beyond that, the world. Power that exists to defend a worldwide empire of exploitation, terrible oppression, and destructive plunder of the environment.

In Afghanistan, those “grand designs” of the U.S. empire were ultimately defeatedWhen the number one oppressor in the world suffers a defeat, that is positive for humanity.

This defeat occurs at a time of great conflict in the U.S. ruling class, unprecedented since the Civil War. While no one can say how any one event will play out, it is very possible that this will heighten the conflict within the ruling class overall and its core institutions of force (armed forces, CIA, etc). These conflicts are deeply explored in these recent works from Bob Avakian—A New Year, The Urgent Need For A Radically New World—For The Emancipation Of All Humanity and THIS IS A RARE TIME WHEN REVOLUTION BECOMES POSSIBLE—WHY THAT IS SO, AND HOW TO SEIZE ON THIS RARE OPPORTUNITY—and carry with them the possibility to be ripened into a revolutionary situation.

So, for all these reasons, this defeat should be welcomed.

This does not mean that things will automatically become easier for revolution. In the short term, the Biden administration may try to hit back harder elsewhere or in other ways to reassert U.S. domination. The fascists will pursue their own strategy, whether pressuring or attacking Biden or both. Both sides will foster the poison of patriotism, even as they will fight over the content of what that should be. The question here is whether those who see the need for and work for revolutionary change seize on this opening, when people are thinking about big things, to wage ferocious struggle and win people to see what is actually driving things here and what is at stake, and to side with the people of the world and NOT with one or another set of their own rulers.

Through all this, people must be struggled with to see that:

The interests, objectives, and grand designs of the imperialists are not our interests—they are not the interests of the great majority of people in the U.S. nor of the overwhelming majority of people in the world as a whole. And the difficulties the imperialists have gotten themselves into in pursuit of these interests must be seen, and responded to, not from the point of view of the imperialists and their interests, but from the point of view of the great majority of humanity and the basic and urgent need of humanity for a different and better world, for another way.

BAsics 3:8

The articles in this issue give a living sense of that.

While the defeat of the U.S. is positive, the victory of the Taliban is not. Taliban in power will mean further suffering on top of suffering, in quite barbaric and horrific forms, with its sharpest spearpoint brutally directed against women. Islamic fundamentalism does NOT pose a liberating alternative.

Last week we quoted the following fundamental quote from Bob Avakian:

What we see in contention here with Jihad on the one hand and McWorld/McCrusade [increasingly globalized western imperialism] on the other hand, are historically outmoded strata among colonized and oppressed humanity up against historically outmoded ruling strata of the imperialist system. These two reactionary poles reinforce each other, even while opposing each other. If you side with either of these “outmodeds,” you end up strengthening both.

While this is a very important formulation and is crucial to understanding much of the dynamics driving things in the world in this period, at the same time we do have to be clear about which of these “historically outmodeds” has done the greater damage and poses the greater threat to humanity: It is the historically outmoded ruling strata of the imperialist system, and in particular the U.S. imperialists.

BAsics 1:28

People cannot afford to be bounced between the poles of backing one or another of these reactionary forces. We need to bring forward another way, a revolutionary alternative.

That way exists. That way is revolution and a socialist society on the way to a communist world without the oppression of the exploited and dominated nations of the world by the imperialists like the U.S., or of women by men... a world without wars, without borders or even countries... a world community of people, unshackled from the chains of ignorance and suffocation, working together for the common good.

The vision embodied in this revolution and the strategy to make that revolution has not only been carried forward but in important ways reconceived and put on a more scientific, and firmer, foundation by Bob Avakian. As BA himself has said of the new communism:

There is an urgent need for this new synthesis to be taken up, broadly, in this society and in the world as a whole: everywhere people are questioning why things are the way they are, and whether a different world is possible; everywhere people are talking about “revolution” but have no real understanding of what revolution means, no scientific approach to analyzing and dealing with what they are up against and what needs to be done; everywhere people are rising up in rebellion but are hemmed in, let down and left to the mercy of murderous oppressors, or misled onto paths which only reinforce, often with barbaric brutality, the enslaving chains of tradition; everywhere people need a way out of their desperate conditions, but do not see the source of their suffering and the path forward out of the darkness.

The world cries out for this alternative. It is up to us to get it to people, to struggle for it and to politically support all those everywhere who do answer this call, in times that carry the potential for either great and liberating advance, or devastating and perhaps existential setback.

@The Revcoms

Tuesday, August 3, 2021




Revolution Books & The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show present:

“Society is being ripped apart . . .”

We are “two countries sharing the same border...”

Why This Is

A Talk by Andy Zee

Reflections on Bob Avakian's

“This is a Rare Time When
Revolution Becomes Possible—
Why That Is So,
And How to Seize On
This Rare Opportunity”

August 4th 2021


Revolution Books
437 Malcolm X Blvd.
New York, NY

The program will be filmed and streamed on

August 5th


The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show

@ Youtube/therevcoms


@The Revcoms