
Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Now We Have a Game-Changer...



November 28, 2022

A Guide to This Issue of  Revolution

What You Need to Know and Engage This Week 

About the World and Revolution

In a World Crying Out for Change:

A Bold Plan to Go into 2023 with a Roar

This world cries out for revolution. The dog-eat-dog economic and political system we live our lives under gives rise to one horror after another. Think about it:

  • Wars to expand and/or defend empire, from the Ukraine to Middle East, and nuclear threats that could blow humanity off the planet altogether thrown around by Russia and the U.S. (go here for a some of the key articles on Ukraine).
  • The intensifying and vengeful oppression of women, from the stripping of abortion rights in the U.S. to the murderous repression in Iran of women demonstrating for the simple right of dressing and moving as they please, as well as the brutality and humiliation visited on LGBTQ people.
  • The violent pillaging and destruction of the environment we live in, where empty promises are a new form of pollution and millions of refugees pour out of countries made unlivable, desperately risking their lives to be able to live.
  • And right here, in the “leader of the free world,” the holiday season comes with more people locked up than anywhere else on the planet by far—two million people who are way disproportionately Black youth, Latino youth, and Native youth—with this just the ugly, brutal tip of a centuries-long iceberg of oppression and discrimination of all kinds.

Yes, this IS America: the society where life is so “wonderful” that in the past ten days alone, three times some individual has gone off and killed multiple people… people on a football team… people in a gay bar… people at work… when does it end?!?

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Bob Avakian, BA, the most important thinker and leader on the planet today, has said:

We can no longer afford to allow these imperialists to dominate the world and to determine the destiny of humanity. They need to be overthrown as quickly as possible.

We Need a Revolution—A REAL Revolution

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BA has also brought forward a strategy for how to go from the small numbers today in the revolutionary movement to thousands and then millions. He’s developed a strategy for defeating and dismantling, when the time is right, the system’s forces of violent repression. And he’s authored a Constitution for the new society, a sweeping vision and concrete blueprint for a way that people could live and flourish together.

Bob Avakian and the Revcoms are talking about a real revolution—not just a change of faces in the same old system, but something much deeper:

  • A totally new economic system rooted in cooperation, meeting people’s needs, tending the environment and supporting revolution all over the planet…
  • A new political system that reinforces that economic system and backs people up in changing all the oppressive relations of today, all the ways that one section of people lords it over another… and
  • A new culture and new ways of relating to people that can enable people to flourish as they change the world.

And Now We Have a Game-Changer

A few short weeks ago, The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less! Youtube show began posting a series of three interviews with Bob Avakian. These interviews are at one and the same time delightful and very, very deep and serious. BA speaks to everyone in these interviews. He does it from the heart and he does it with all the science that he has led in developing these past 50 years—a science that can be wielded to analyze and change and liberate the society we live in. Go here to see or read some of the ways that a whole range of people have responded.

Over these next six weeks, getting this interview out into society is the leading edge of actually preparing the ground, preparing the people and preparing the vanguard itself for revolution… for the time when millions can be led to put it on the line to bring in a whole new world.

At the same time, the Revcoms (short for revolutionary communists) are aiming to raise $100,000 in the next few months. This fund drive will make it possible to get the interview out there, and also make possible the continued operation of this website and of the Revolution Tour project, now located in LA. This Tuesday marks the launch of the fund drive, and there are materials on this page to find out more and get started. Raising and donating funds to this movement is a great way to support the movement and to expand it.

From watching the interview in groups to spreading the word in many different ways…

From raising funds to talking with friends or people you’ve just met and getting them to spread it…

From joining with revcoms—or going yourself—to get the word out where the contradictions and conflicts of society are roiling the sharpest, using everything from tablets to trucks to show people clips from this interview—this is what the next six weeks should look like. And the more that you join with this, the faster and stronger this movement for revolution can grow.

We need this all over. People need to see this on the walls and telephone poles… and see it again on social media… They need to run into people handing them palm cards on the streets or trains… and then see it again on bulletin boards from laundromats to campuses to clubs… so that this becomes “a thing” and a growing mass of people begin to meet this leader, hear what he says about the times we’re living in, and find out how they can be part of revolution, and the emancipation of humanity.

Go here to find three short reasons you can tell everyone to watch this interview, and go here to read a letter addressing the revcoms themselves on how to approach this. In addition, there are new responses from different people to the interview that give a sense of the breadth of people who are getting into this and what they are taking from it. And remember: December 10-11 is a major fund-raising weekend with events in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Berkeley and hopefully more cities.

Also in this issue, we call your attention to news from the heroic rebellions in Iran, some key articles and clips from Bob Avakian on Ukraine, and other important articles. And come back during the week for news of the November 25 and December 1 actions called by RiseUp4AbortionRights.

See the table of contents for other important articles in this issue.


Follow: @TheRevcoms




“...we have two choices: either, live with all this — and condemn future generations to the same, or worse, if they have a future at all — or, make revolution!”

—Bob Avakian





Learn more about Bob Avakian and the new communism

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What Is the Revolution Club?

Who Should Check Out the Revolution Club, Run with It and Join?

What Does It Mean To Join?

And How Do I Get Started?

What do I do first?

Find out more about Revolution Club »

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BAsics, from the talks and writings of  Bob Avakian

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Short Version—The Basic Truth:



by Bob Avakian






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WWW.REVCOM.US/REVOLUTION NEWSPAPER brings alive a scientific analysis of major events in society and the world—why they are happening, how different events and developments relate to each other, how all this relates to the system we live under, where people's interests lie in relation to all this, how revolution is in fact the solution to all this and what the goals of that revolution are, how different viewpoints and programs relate, positively or negatively, to the revolution that is needed, and how people can move, and are moving, to build toward that revolution. is the guide, the pivot, the crucial tool in drawing forward, orienting, training, and organizing thousands, and influencing millions—fighting the power, and transforming the people, for revolution—hastening and preparing for the time when we can go for the whole thing, with a real chance to win.

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Monday, November 28, 2022

There Is Hope, and a Roadmap to the Emancipation of Humanity. DONATE GENEROUSLY to make this hope a reality


Dear Friends,
We are writing to you at a time when the future hangs in the balance.  Today, your email inbox is being inundated with Giving Tuesday requests, asking you to contribute to solutions that are little more than band-aids on the horrors going on and on.  But there is hope, and there is a roadmap to the emancipation of humanity.
Will you give generously to something that can make all the difference – a major fund drive to put real revolution on the map?
Please read the following from the revcomswatch THIS from Bob Avakian and ask yourself: is anything else commensurate with the scale, depth and pace of the nightmare we're facing?  Does anything else come close to speaking to the basis for real hope for humanity?
We look forward to hearing back from you.

P.S. To make a donation via paypal or check go HERE, donate via Venmo: @RCP-Publications, or CashApp: $RCPPublications



In a Time When the Future Hangs in the Balance

When Solutions Offered End Up with the Horrors Going On and On…

There Is Hope, and a Roadmap
to the Emancipation of Humanity

DONATE GENEROUSLY to make this hope a reality

Your contribution will spur and accelerate the movement for liberating fundamental change, for a real revolution to cast off the system that is hurtling humanity towards the brink.
The very dangers we face in this moment of extreme crisis and sharp irreconcilable divisions in US society holds the potential for what has seemed impossible to become possible.
If you care — and you do,
- You know the hour is late to save the environment.
- You suppress dread that the War in Ukraine and the saber rattling with China could lead to unthinkable global nuclear catastrophe.
- You fear and sense that any relief you felt from midterm elections is empty as one third of the country voted for fascists who are hardening, with talk of civil war bandied about.
- You are outraged that the fundamental right of women to control their own future has been stripped away, and you rightly fear that theocratic fascists won’t stop with this.
- You seethe with rage that police murder of Black and Brown people  continues unabated two years after George Floyd.
- You don’t even want to ponder that the plight of refugees and immigrants at the border is not fundamentally different than under Trump.
If this is you, isn’t now the moment to break out of your comfort zone and act on your discomfort with the way things are heading?
Doing so by donating generously to the movement that is bending every fiber of our beings to bring about a real solution to all these outrages in the only way that humanity could really move beyond all this brutal and even existential oppression—preparing now for a real revolution in a moment when it could be possible.

In The BA Interviews on The RNL show, referencing the situation in the world today, Bob Avakian makes this clear statement:


We can no longer afford to allow these imperialists to dominate the world and to determine the destiny of humanity. They need to be overthrown as quickly as possible.

There are questions: Is an actual revolution necessary?  Is it possible and why? Can humanity really move beyond a world of inequality with everyone out for themselves?  Can the revolution we are fighting for really put the world on a radically better, liberating course?  What kind of leadership is needed to accomplish this?
There are answers, none more comprehensive, none more filled with heart and soul for how a revolution could bring about a society where people could really flourish than in the recent trio of Interviews with the revolutionary leader Bob Avakian.  In these interviews he shows how it is possible to overcome all forms of oppression and exploitation by people working together in a radically different way than is possible today.
Bob Avakian draws from the lives of people of the whole world, especially those who bear the brunt and suffer the boot of this oppressive system. He tells of his own life experience growing up in Berkeley, California, his experience working with the leaders of the Black Panther Party in their early revolutionary days, and he tells how he came to recognize and fill a great need — charting a course for a real revolution here in the most powerful country in history and developing a new framework for the emancipation of humanity which we call the new communism.
In a break with past revolutions, BA insists that the new communism thoroughly repudiates and is determined to root out of the communist movement the poisonous notion, and practice, that “the ends justify the means.”
Take a minute or an hour to think about this.  Watch the Interviews.  Compare this to the politics and the poisonous culture that saturates society today, and think about the possibilities this opens up.
For this vision and the possibility of fundamental revolutionary change to be realized there needs to be a force — a revolutionary people in their thousands that can grow to millions. To forge this force, to put this revolution on the map, contending with all the non-solutions, your financial support is decisive.

The People… the Show… the Website

Your donation today will enable this cohort of revolutionaries — the Revcoms — of different nationalities, genders, and ages to go out to shake up the world and forge a movement to change the face of everything. A group of tested revolutionary leaders and a cohort of committed young revolutionaries have concentrated in Los Angeles to develop a model that can be replicated and grow nationally.
Your donation will give an immediate boost to the ability to promote The Bob Avakian Interviews on The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show very broadly in society, and will also support the expansion of the production and promotion of The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show — the national YouTube voice of the Revcoms.  During the pandemic, the LA cohort learned from scratch how to create and produce this most radical show online.
Your donation will also make possible the ongoing needs to produce the website Revcom.Us that gives unique analysis of major events and trends, guides the movement for revolution and which features the major works of Bob Avakian.
There is the possibility of wrenching a positive emancipating future out of the existential crises, the madness of today.  There is a foundation and roadmap in a seminal work by Bob Avakian for this moment in history, Something Terrible, OR, Something Truly Emancipating.  There is a group of revolutionaries in Los Angeles with contingents in NY, Chicago and the Bay Area, ready to do the work, there is The RNL – Revolution Nothing Less – Show that is featuring the Bob Avakian Interviews, and there is
What is needed is you.
There is no greater need, no greater love, no more important cause at this moment in history.  A radically different and far better world is possible.  Your donation today will contribute to putting this emancipating potential on the map.