
Sunday, November 22, 2020

Tues Virtual Forum - What Just Happened: Trump, America & the Danger of Fascism


Trump LOST but won’t concede
Tune in Tuesday 8:00 pm EST for this essential forum:
What Just Happened: Trump; America & the Danger of Fascism
Co-hosted by The RNL Show @therevcoms
@RefuseFascism on  Youtube   Facebook   Twitter    


Tune in Tuesday November 24
8:00 pm EST / 5:00 pm PST


Andy Zee, co-host of the RNL Show & co-initiator of,
Coco Das, Editor of @Coco_Das
Jeff Sharlet, writer @JeffSharlet
Indi Samarajiva, @indica, author I Lived Through A Stupid Coup. America Is Having One Now.

>> Sights & Sound of Saturday Protests: Trump You Lost -- Get the Hell OUT!

Monday, November 16, 2020

Standing Up to the Fascist Mob in DC: Interview with Sunsara Taylor


From Revolution /


November 16, 2020 |


On November 14, thousands of supporters of Donald Trump, spearheaded by a number of openly fascist forces and greeted by Trump himself, took over the streets in Washington, DC, demanding that the election be overturned.

In reporting on that march, the Washington Post wrote that these marchers were met with a group of counter-protestors from Refuse Fascism. Here’s what they described:

Then the appearance of counterprotesters sparked bursts of conflict, though they could have become far more violent had police not worked to keep the feuding sides separate. When a small group holding bright orange “Refuse Fascism” posters arrived at the edge of Freedom Plaza, they were almost immediately surrounded by Trump fans shouting “U.S.A.! U.S.A.!” into their faces....

The women leading the tiny march fought their way up 14th Street, repeatedly breaking out of the crowd, only to be engulfed again.

“Trump, pack your s[hit]! You’re illegitimate!” they yelled into their megaphone.

One pro-Trump man attempted to gouge the opposition with a flag bearing the president’s name. Another grabbed a woman’s neon orange poster and hit her with it.

Sunsara Taylor, a member of Refuse Fascism’s editorial board and a writer for this website, was on the scene. Yesterday Lucha Bright, who was also there, interviewed Sunsara for a firsthand account.

LB: Hi, I’m Lucha Bright with the Revolution Club and I’m here with Sunsara Taylor, who’s on the national editorial board of and she’s a co-host for the Revolution Nothing Less Show on YouTube. Hi Sunsara!

ST: Hey Lucha, great to be here. Hello everybody.

LB: So, Sunsara and I have been running together in the streets of DC and this past Saturday, yesterday. nationally called for protests across the country and here in DC going right up against the Million MAGA March. Do you want to tell us a little bit about why Refuse Fascism called for these protests?

ST: So first of all, Donald Trump lost the election. I know we all know that, but he’s refusing to admit that, he’s lying about it and he’s working to overturn that and actually we were just in very close quarters with thousands of MAGA assholes who either refuse to admit or are so deluded by conspiracy and lie-mongering that they actually believe Trump won. So, Trump lost, which was a great victory for the people, and people overcame a lot of obstacles to deliver that electoral defeat. People, especially Black people, overcame misleading robocalls, voter intimidation, long-ass lines in the South—some of them waited 10, 12 hours to vote due to racist voter suppression. There was a lot people had to go up against and did go up against, including in a pandemic, to deliver an electoral defeat to Donald Trump, which was a great victory, and for good reason people poured into the streets and danced in the streets and celebrated about that and felt that a weight was lifted from them.

Yet here we are a week later and Trump is still lying about this. He’s actively obstructing the transition, which is costing lives right now, in COVID deaths and in other ways, and he is riling up a base to actually try to overturn this election. So for all those reasons, we felt it very important that we bring our side into the public square to stand on this victory to say: The election is over. Trump lost. Biden won. Trump’s gotta go. But let’s keep in the public square until that victory is cemented, until he’s actually out of the White House.

Frankly, all his attempts to undermine the election are themselves grounds for removal. Those are fascist moves. And we shouldn’t be normalized just because it’s Trump and we’ve lived through it for four years. Here is a sitting president who is refusing to concede when he lost and is doing great damage and now whips up thousands or tens of thousands of his most violent white supremacist, thuggish supporters to maraud in the nation’s seat of power and to work to overturn that election. That has to be answered. So we felt it was very important that we go and we counter-protest and stand up against that and rally our side to see this defeat of this fascist regime all the way through until they’re removed from power.

LB: Can you just describe what the scene was like here in DC? Who were the fascists that were out? And what did Refuse Fascism do?

ST: The streets of DC were filled with every variety of white supremacist, militia-type, conspiracy-minded, QAnon, deranged Christian fascist; I mean we saw hatred organized writ large against Black people, against immigrants, against women.

It was an attempt, and I think they gained ground in this, by these fascist forces who actually were put on the defensive, who did suffer a bit of a defeat, they did have the puff taken off their chest when Trump lost that election and when they saw people pour into the streets with all the exuberance and all that joy and all that weight was lifted. This took the puff out of their chest, and they were trying to come back together and reassert their dominance in the public square. And I think they actually made ground in that, including that Trump came through and gave it his backing. So we went in the middle of this. And just so people know, some of these people were chanting “Break out Kyle” talking about Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old who murdered two protesters for Black Lives in Kenosha, Wisconsin, who shot them dead in the street. This is the hero of these people. There were Christian fanatic fascists walking thru with signs saying “Women belong in the kitchen.” Just straight up enslavement.

There are people that you would say, “What about the children in cages?” and they’d be like, “They belong there. Their parents did something illegal.” I mean these people are... they have no [touches heart]... they’ve got nothing inside of them for humanity. But they were out there and they were filled with a lust for revenge. And so we went right in the middle of the Freedom Plaza area where they were first amassing, and we went early in the day. And we raised the banner Trump/Pence Out Now. We raised signs that said the same. It was a small group of us. We never got our whole group in one place cuz it actually was, it was very... because Trump gave his backing, this mushroomed in size on the side of the fascists so we didn’t all meet up till later.

And from the second we did this we were set upon. I mean, these people were incensed. They first started verbally harassing us, and then they were, kind of forcefully, purposefully bumping into us and then within a couple minutes there were hundreds of them surrounding us, grabbing at us, at times you’d have five different big, meathead men with their hands on you, pulling you in different directions, grabbing your sign, hitting you; they ripped up our sound system, they were a mob and they were very threatening. One of the people with us, was a Black woman who, by the time we got through this... and I will say for our crew, our crew was so beautiful, they had such heart. I think the Washington Post described it, at different points the women who led the march would break out of the mob and start chanting, “Trump pack your shit! You’re illegitimate.” Or, “Trump/Pence Out Now.” Then we’d be swallowed again, and then we’d break out again and chant again. But the whole time we kept regrouping and keeping our message together and keeping our people together and our spirit intact.

This lasted for two blocks... we were dogged like this, assaulted like this as we marched along, and when we finally got clear and ended up on the other side of a police line through some struggle we had with the police as well, for them to do the semblance of their job and stop a mob assault or at least let us get out of reach of it. When we got through this, this one Black woman who was with us, she was just sobbing, she was inconsolable, she kept saying, “I’m wrong for being Black. I’m wrong for being a woman. My life is in danger every single day. And there was so much hate, that was so much hate they threw at us.” And her eyes were just pouring.

Bob Avakian has said there is a direct line from the Confederacy to the fascists of today. They really are the inheritors of the Confederacy. People who have never reconciled themselves to the end of the Civil War. These are the people who would have gathered with their children to watch Black people be lynched and then fought each other to get a souvenir, a piece of the mutilated body or a postcard of that experience. These are people filled with bloodlust and out for revenge and you saw it all day long. At the end of the night, they were marauding. They came thru BLM Plaza, tore up the murals. Tore up the pictures. And like maniacs, lunatic, animal-like shouting and assaulting pieces of wood that say Black Lives Matter on them, wishing they could be doing it to people. So, it was a very heavy experience, to go right up against this like that. But it mattered because this has to be opposed. They can’t be allowed to dominate the public square and the public discourse.

And it is shameful that there weren’t more people out there. Everybody who was out celebrating, rightfully so, a week before when Trump lost should’ve been out there standing up there against this. It would have been a world of difference. That amount of hatred needs to stay on the defensive.

After we protested in the middle of the mob and then made it in the morning, we went to BLM Plaza near the White House and one of the people we ran into said that when they got off the train at Union Station—they are young and gay and visibly you might guess that—and they were set upon by five of these MAGA fascists with flak vests on surrounded this person, jeering, “Oh you’re gay? You’re a faggot!” They were hurling all these slurs at them and physically domineering and intimidating them. They said, “I just thought to myself, ‘I got to get down to the White House, maybe if I get there I’ll find my people.’ And, yeah, I found my people here.” And the Black woman who was with us, and the others who were with us who were really shook coming through the mob of fascists, when we got down to BLM Plaza and rallied and came back together, people saw it all the way through. They took all that emotion that they felt about what was hurled at them and what the history of that and the threat of that writ large for the future, and they poured it out in their chants and their dance and their song and their sense of standing together. And it actually felt really good to stand up.

You know, the idea that you hide from this shit, and you go in your home and you avoid the confrontation. That is a morally compromised place to be and it does damage and because of that, it doesn’t feel nearly as good as standing and being in the face of this and coming through that. And I was so proud of the people who stood up and I know we gave voice to what millions and millions feel, but those millions have to join this because there is actually a fight for the future that is still ongoing. And Trump is still in power and these MAGA fascists are marauding and they must not be allowed to dominate the public space and the public discourse.

LB: I was going to ask you what you would say to those who told everybody going into this, there was a whole outcry going into this of, “Don’t go into the streets.” It was all over the internet. “Stay home, you’re gonna provoke these people, you’re gonna provoke Trump.” I think you’ve spoken to that some already, but if there is more you want to say about that.

ST: Look, the fascist Trump/Pence regime, a genocidal, racist regime, is still in power. They are unleashing their mobs in the streets. Hiding from that will not make them go away, it will make them stronger. And I’m sorry, if you want to spend more energy—which way too many “woke” people and “progressive” people did—condemning those who stand up against fascists and white supremacists than you want to put into actually standing up against those fascists and white supremacists, you are no different than the people who told the Freedom Riders, “Don’t go to the South. Don’t provoke them.” Who, when they were set upon by mobs said, “Why did you rile them up?” You’re no different than the people who told Frederick Douglass, “Don’t publish your memoir and don’t go on your speaking tour because you might push things too far... we’re getting towards abolition, we just want to go a little slower.” Larry Kramer, everybody loves Larry Kramer today, there’s movies made about him for good reason, he led ACT UP, who led a lot of struggle to wake people up to the AIDS epidemic and get help for people who were dying, gay men especially in massive numbers. But at the time, Larry Kramer was very unpopular and I’m sorry, the verdict is in history and it applies today.

There’s always those who say, “Oh, you’re protesting in the wrong way. Oh, you’re protesting at the wrong time.” I actually had someone tell me today that they could come up with 100 examples of how “poorly planned protests” led to less freedom. No, oppression leads to less freedom. Standing up against it leads to more freedom. That’s the way the fucking world works. And even protests that are maybe, poorly planned or not the most strategically thought through, you still put your arms around people who are on the right side. One side is right and one side is wrong. And those who stand up, even when they do it sometimes without the fullest strategic sense, they’re not the cause of oppression! And all the people who blame the victims and blame those who stand up, I’m sorry you are on the wrong fucking side of history on this. And you gotta get over to the right side, cuz a lot of those people, I think they actually do... they are of two minds. They do actually want to see the Trump horrors ended. But for a long time they have been very resistant to doing the hard work and the struggle that is actually required to stop this. And you see that playing out now, too, where they say now we’ve got a victory, let’s lay low. And you know what? With fascists, you don’t lay low. When you get a victory, you take that and you run the table with it. Let’s stay in the public square. Let’s stay on the offensive. Let’s stay saying Black lives matter. Let’s stay saying women are full human beings. Let’s stay saying get the children out of the cages cuz they’re still in fucking cages. Why would you lay low when all that is still going on and they are threatening to overturn your victory? You stand on that victory and you keep going forward and you give space and oxygen to those who have been suffering under it to come join you and stand up and actually fight for and win a different future.

That’s what we were fighting for yesterday. That’s what I think people should take from it who were part of it. It was very heroic. It was very important. And that’s what other people need to join with. We need to see it all the way through, get Trump and Pence all the way out of office and then we can have... and many of us will continue to fight for going deeper and getting to the roots of this fascism and all the oppression and injustice that is rooted in this system and the need for a whole revolution and other people will split off and go different ways and we’ll have the freedom and space to have that debate and wage that struggle.

LB: OK, well thank you so much, this is a really important discussion and I am so glad we were able to have it.

ST: Me too. Thanks, Lucha.


Follow: @TheRevcoms

Why did 70+ million people vote for this genocidal racist, male supremacist, “America First” fascist, Trump? “Is there hope for white people?”:


Thursday, November 12, 2020

Protest so that Trump & Pence LEAVE



Mass Protest Nationwide Saturday, November 14
Los Angeles
 1:00 pm Pershing Square RSVP & Invite friends

>> Find a protest / Host your own

Trump Is STILL Trying to Steal the Election!
Trump/Pence OUT NOW!
In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America!

The media has declared Biden is the clear winner of the electoral college and popular vote.

This is a very good thing, but the struggle is far from over.

The Trump/Pence campaign is filing multiple suits in courts that they have packed with reactionary judges up to the Supreme Court. Trump’s MAGA mobs are mobilized. Tens of millions voted for his fascist program that has tortured immigrants, unleashed white supremacist terror, exacerbated the climate crisis, spread lies and COVID, and stacked the courts with theocratic Christian fascists. The Republi-fascist Party is standing by Trump and is in control of the majority of state governments, as well as many of the courts—including the Supreme Court, which Trump has openly called on to support his claim of victory.

As long as Trump and his regime are still in power, as long as their followers are filled with passionate vengeance, they can still prevail through legal and extra-legal means.

We cannot let them dominate the public space and public discourse. Now, our struggle enters a new phase of continuing nonviolent mass protest to drive out the Trump/Pence regime… as the fascist regime and its supporters try to usurp the rule of law.

The people must seize this moment and go all the way to driving this regime out and driving this fascist movement back and its hateful vicious program from every part of society. Our side must unite, organize, and be in the streets, nonviolent but determined to prevail. Fascism is NEVER legitimate.

We must organize and mobilize on a whole other level. Sign up at and get connected. Find where and when Refuse Fascism gathers in the public square in your town – come and join us and bring your crew.

Stay in the streets and demand Trump/Pence Out Now! We must not stop until they’re gone
>> Find a protest / Host your own

 11:30 am Freedom Plaza, 14th Street side of plaza, We will non-violently protest the “Millions MAGA March.” RSVP & Invite friends

Atlanta 3:00 pm Piedmont Park 10th & Charles Allen RSVP & Invite friends Facebook event
Boston 1:00 pm Parkman Bandstand Boston Common RSVP & Invite friends
Chicago 1:00 pm Trump Tower Wacker & Wabash RSVP & Invite friends  Facebook event
Cleveland 2:00 pm Market Square RSVP & Invite friends
Detroit 2:00 pm Joe Louis Fist 10 Woodward Avenue RSVP & Invite friends
Honolulu 10:00 am Kalakaua & Kapahulu Waikiki. Facebook event
Houston 3:00 pm Montrose & Westheimer RSVP & Invite friends
Los Angeles 1:00 pm Pershing Square RSVP & Invite friends
New York City 3:00 pm Washington Square Park RSVP & Invite friends
Philadelphia 3:00 pm Rittenhouse Square  RSVP & Invite friends
San Francisco 12:00 pm Powell & Market RSVP & Invite friends
Seattle 2:00pm Green Lake Park, E. Green Lake Way N & NE 71st St. RSVP & Invite friends
917 407 1286

Make a donation online
Donate via Venmo: @Refuse-Fascism | Donate via CashApp: @RefuseFascism

Send checks or money orders, payable to "Refuse Fascism"
To make a tax-deductible donation of $100 or more in support of Refuse Fascism's educational activities, please make checks out to "Alliance for Global Justice," a 501(3)(c) organization, note: Refuse Fascism

Refuse Fascism | (917) 407-1286 | 305 West Broadway #185 NY, NY 10013

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Crossroads We Face and the Struggle to Drive Out the Fascist Regime



From Revolution /

Donald Trump has been defeated.

People feel that a heavy rock has been lifted off their neck. They can breathe, and hope.

Of this there can be no doubt.

But Donald Trump is not admitting defeat. He is rallying his fanatical followers and using the courts that he has packed with fascists to try to steal the election.


Of that there can be no doubt.

The Crossroads We Face and the Struggle to Drive Out the Fascist Regime

Some Points of Orientation for This Juncture

Updated November 9, 2020 |


Editors’ Note: As we go to press on November 8, Joe Biden has been declared “president-elect” by major news sources including the Associated Press (AP), NBC NewsCNNNew York Times, and Fox News. This is based on them calling the crucial battle-ground state of Pennsylvania for Biden on Saturday. Righteous celebrations broke out across the country among those who hate this regime and want to see an end to this nightmare.

As Bob Avakian stated on August 1 in his historic statement, ON THE IMMEDIATE CRITICAL SITUATION, THE URGENT NEED TO DRIVE OUT THE FASCIST TRUMP/PENCE REGIME, VOTING IN THIS ELECTION, AND THE FUNDAMENTAL NEED FOR REVOLUTION, a Biden victory in the elections “would create far better conditions for continuing to wage the struggle against everything represented by the Trump/Pence regime and all the oppression and injustices of this system, and would be a great gift to the people of the world.”

However, the Biden victory is not yet “official” by U.S. election laws and processes, pending various levels of certification, of Electoral College appointees (“electors”) from various states who confirm their votes, and a number of other procedures in the maze of U.S. election processes.1 Trump has repeatedly questioned, disputed, and threatened to contest these results, with a currently unfolding quasi-legal-political strategy to pervert the process, de-legitimize the results, and what Refuse Fascism has correctly termed as Trump “still trying to steal the election.”

Following are orientation points published on Saturday that have been slightly edited and revised to reflect latest news developments.

* The Immediate Juncture and Struggle Ahead:

As we go to press, Joe Biden is leading the popular vote by a very wide margin of over four million votes, and has won the Electoral College vote, as called by the major news outlets. While a few key “battle-ground” states like Georgia and Arizona remain to be called, if this were a normal election, absent major twists of events, Biden would be on track to be the victor.

First, IF Biden were to actually be “officially” certified as the winner of the Electoral College, this would be a significant and very positive development, given what the continuation of the fascist Trump/Pence regime would mean for the people of the world and in this country. As Bob Avakian stated on August 1 in his historic statement, ON THE IMMEDIATE CRITICAL SITUATION, THE URGENT NEED TO DRIVE OUT THE FASCIST TRUMP/PENCE REGIME, VOTING IN THIS ELECTION, AND THE FUNDAMENTAL NEED FOR REVOLUTION, a Biden victory in the elections “would create far better conditions for continuing to wage the struggle against everything represented by the Trump/Pence regime and all the oppression and injustices of this system, and would be a great gift to the people of the world.”

Even if the Electoral College margins are razor thin and right now contested, and even with the fact that 70+ million voted for a genocidal racist, the terms, context, and framework are different and better with a Biden victory for the struggle needed going forward. The struggle to defeat Trump was and is a struggle against fascism, a qualitatively different form of rule, one that relies openly on terror and violence against those who oppose this regime and everyone this regime regards as a threat, without the pretense of allowing dissent and protest. The consequences for humanity of a consolidated fascist regime in the most powerful country in the world are horrific and even potentially irreversible.

A legitimate electoral victory for Biden creates far more favorable conditions for mass political resistance, for exposing and mobilizing against the illegitimacy of the fascist regime going forward. This illegitimacy stems from both the fascists’ stealing the election, their continuing threats and use of violence to back that up, and even more, the horrors of the fascist program.

Not a Normal Election—and NOT a Normal Transition

Second, this is not a normal election, with a “normal transition”—the peaceful transfer of power that has been a staple of American democracy in the last century. “Trump has told people he has no plans to concede.” So announced a major CNN-site headline, with this being echoed by his close followers, and as we go to press, continues to be the case.

This is not a surprise. Trump repeatedly refused to promise, when asked, a “peaceful transfer of power.” Trump has already announced in many ways that he will not recognize the integrity of this vote and intends to fight this, using every legal, quasi-legal, and illegal means. This includes tying up the courts with bogus lawsuits, rousing his fascist thug followers, and perhaps other things which we have not anticipated yet.

From the “bully pulpit” rhetoric of lies and disinformation, to court battles and summoning fascist thugs to harass and threaten people who volunteer to work to make the elections happen, Trump is aiming at de-legitimizing the election verdicts and results. He has forged a much harder and fighting fascist social base than he had in 2016, around the triad of white supremacy, misogyny, and America First. They feel this election is being “snatched” away before they have had a chance to implement their full fascist program. Trump advisers and longtime fascists like Newt Gingrich have gone on Fox News to rally Trump’s fanatical followers, promising (and in essence calling for) an “explosion of rage.” At many levels and in different ways, the fascists plan to fight to retain power with the Trump/Pence regime—at this moment.

Simply relying on the “normal” channels, workings, and institutions may well be disastrous.

So, for all those who want to see an end to the nightmare of the Trump/Pence regime, there is a struggle to be waged, of mass, nonviolent protests that continue until this regime is ousted! This is what is needed! The fascists must NOT be allowed to dominate the “public square” and public discourse. Combined with the fascist domination of the courts and some key state legislatures that already exists, that could be deadly. The coalition of the decent cannot now retire from the field of political battle—instead, we must pull together, organize and show up to follow through on and complete the main job before us: driving out this fascist regime.

* A More Strategic Perspective:

Even if Trump is forced out, this fascism is not going away. Fascism is not only a deeply dug-in and well-organized trend in this country, it has metastasized and made “advances” in this past period, growing and hardening its ranks. It will almost certainly attempt to come back harder. The roots and texture of this fascist phenomenon, movement, and ideology have been scientifically excavated and exposed by Bob Avakian (BA) in a series of works, unmatched by anyone else currently commenting on the topic.

This election has raised profound questions about this society. Righteous, sincere people are agonizing about how more than 70 million people voted for Trump, including not a few Black and Latino people. People are confronting the specter of civil war; they are asking WHY the Democrats keep playing by the “rule book” while Trump and the fascists shred it; and they are searching for answers.

There ARE answers, but they are not easy ones. What are the roots of white supremacy, of male supremacy and toxic masculinity, of American chauvinism, of the “hustler-ism” and wallowing in ignorance that affects people up and down the social structure... all of which stand as barriers to a world where people freely and consciously interact with each other and nature? How do we get beyond a system and society that can spawn a Donald Trump and shape people and social groups so that such a vicious person can gain a following of mindless fanatics?

All these questions have been addressed by Bob Avakian, and leadership provided, in seminal works like the film THE TRUMP/PENCE REGIME MUST GO, In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America—A Better World IS Possible, as well as in the recent spate of works. BA drills down scientifically to the roots of the problem and to the solution: a real revolution, and the struggle to oust this fascist regime and defeat this fascist movement as part of making that revolution. If you have agonized in this last year over this madness, if you have fought in the streets for justice—this is where you need to go, this is who you need to check out.2

* Returning to the Immediate Political Battle Ahead:

There is a fierce and ferocious struggle shaping up in society—near, intermediate, and long-term. At one level, consistent with the dynamics of fascist advance and consolidation, there may be calls for further conciliation with the fascists, “reaching across the aisle,” seeking to “understand them and their economic ‘anxiety’,” not “inciting” them, etc.


As Bob Avakian has said,

there can be no “reconciliation” with these fascists—whose “grievances” are based on fanatical resentment against any limitation on white supremacy, male supremacy, xenophobia (hatred of foreigners), rabid American chauvinism, and the unrestrained plundering of the environment, and are increasingly expressed in literally lunatic terms. There can be no “reconciliation” with this, other than on the terms of these fascists, with all the terrible implications and consequences of that!3

While the impulse and pull to follow the Democrats and their orientation are spontaneously strong in society, that will only lead to a further reinforcement, and final consolidation, of fascism. As a plain and simple fact, recognizing “the humanity of people” who got caught and are caught up in this fascist white-supremacist misogynist framework must mean struggling sharply with them to break with that fascism, NOT to “understand” them or “reach out” in some idealistic “one-on-one” conversation. We have to proceed from the most scientific understanding of a deep divide in society, between the fascist and the non-fascist sections, worldview, and program, in contrast to the Democrats’ program to try and gloss over it in the name of “unity,” “healing,” and other such notions, especially when the fascist thugs are ideologically and otherwise prepared to mobilize for something far different. It means polarizing and re-polarizing society with sharp nonviolent political and ideological struggle against the fascist juggernaut, its white supremacy, its misogyny, its America First, and its Christian fascism.

Again, what is needed, as Refuse Fascism has called for: It is urgent—it is more important than ever—that we reject this fascist regime, powerfully and in our masses, by taking the streets in nonviolent, creative, and determined action, continuing until this regime is gone and this nightmare is ended.


1. By federal statute, the electors in each state meet on “the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December”—which this year is December 14—to cast their votes. Then on January 6, the House and Senate meet jointly for a formal count of the votes. Although most people believe that these votes must automatically match the popular vote in each state, in reality there are many legal ways to attempt to get around this.  [back]

2. In this context, we would particularly highlight the following works: 

3. From Voting Will Not Be Enough—We Need to Take to the Streets, and Stay in the Streets Demanding Trump/Pence Out Now! Part 2.  [back]


Trump was dealt a defeat in the elections! All over the country people poured out to celebrate. As the Biden/Harris team prepares to transition toward their term, the fascist-in-chief and his regime is not conceding but is on the offensive to stay in power. There is a political battle on our hands, and the fight isn’t over yet.

This episode included: 

  • Andy Zee, Coco Das, and Sunsara Taylor will speak on the importance of the Refuse Fascism Pledge to the People of the World that was printed in the New York Times on Monday, November 9, and to some crucial lessons in this hour.
  • Bob Avakian on where the American fascist movement behind Trump and Pence comes from. From the 2017 speech called The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go! In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE To Accept A Fascist America, A Better World IS Possible!
  • Excerpts from Refuse Fascism’s November 3 Election Night Livestream hosted by Andy Zee and Coco Das from the Editorial Board of Refuse Fascism, with conversations with political analyst Jared Yates Sexton; Sara Atkins, who is the Director of Activism of the organization Torah Trump Hate; and Joshua Shanes, who is a Jewish Studies professor and scholar.
  • Sights and sounds from across the country on Saturday, November 7, on the day when Biden defeated Trump in the Electoral College and became president-elect.
  • The song “Amerikkka Goddamn” by Outernational!

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A message of moral clarity TODAY in the New York Times


It took donors who gave from $1 to $5000, the design by Shepard Fairey, and the many people who signed on for the Pledge to the People of the World: We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America to be published this morning as a full page ad in The New York Times.

This Pledge, written earlier this fall, is as urgent as ever. We, fighting for a just world, need to be mobilized, taking to the streets, non violent, but determined, to stop the theft of the election and this hateful American fascism.

>> Add your name to the Pledge

When the ad was submitted last week, before the outcome of the election was known, the Times refused to print it for several days because of objections to the content of the Pledge. The authors of the Pledge persevered, and many of you wrote the Times advertising department urging them to publish.

>> Share this and help spread this message of moral clarity

Trump's defeat in the election is a cause for celebration. But the fight is far from over. He refuses to concede, filing lawsuits to overturn the election in the courts up to the Supreme Court. His MAGA thugs are mobilized. The fascist politics described in this Pledge remain present in the streets and in power and need to be countered by our people acting together.

>> Support the movement to stay in the streets until Trump & Pence are GONE from power.

The first $5,000 in donations to this drive will be matched  by a generous donor. Your donations support a movement organizing non-violent protests in Washington DC and across the U.S. under the single unifying demand: Trump/Pence Out NOW!

Samantha Goldman for

Make a donation online
Donate via Venmo: @Refuse-Fascism | Donate via CashApp: @RefuseFascism

Send checks or money orders, payable to "Refuse Fascism"
To make a tax-deductible donation of $100 or more in support of Refuse Fascism's educational activities, please make checks out to "Alliance for Global Justice," a 501(3)(c) organization, note: Refuse Fascism

Refuse Fascism | (917) 407-1286 | 305 West Broadway #185 NY, NY 10013


Bookstores Issue Public Statement Condemning Trump/Pence Fascism

We received the following from Revolution Books, Berkeley:

Revolution Books in Berkeley is a signatory to the statement, below, from concerned bookstores and book people. This regime aims to impose “thought control” and stifle the truth with “patriotic education”—witness its assault on the 1619 Project and critical race theory. Our voices must be raised. At this extreme moment, the Trump/Pence regime with its white supremacist, male supremacist/LGBTQ-hating, and racist anti-immigrant agenda is already stealing the election. We must act ourselves, and help people understand the stakes, and act, before it is too late to prevent a catastrophe. Revolution Books encourages all who oppose a fascist future to raise their voices, protest in the streets like they did last summer, and:

• Join with Noam Chomsky, Cornel West, Chuck D., Lilly Wachowski, Jessica Care Moore, Martín Espada and others in the Pledge: In the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist America.


We are a coalition of bookstores and book people around the country proud to represent the heart of information and learning in our communities. We advocate for the amplification of diverse thought. Fascist messaging spews from the White House as Trump and his administration create an environment of distrust. We refuse to be complicit in his authoritarian governance. To rely on voting alone is not enough. 

We urge our community to join the cause of resistance on The time is now to unite, to speak out and to use nonviolent means to remove this regime. We stand with the children in cages at the border, with women, LGBTQ people, BIPOC communities, and other communities threatened by Trump and his administration.

Adobe Books, San Francisco 
Alexander Akin (Bolerium Books), San Francisco 
Bird and Beckett Books & Records, San Francisco 
Dog Eared Books, Valencia Street, San Francisco 
Fair Trade Books, Red Wing, MN 
Left Bank Books, NYC 
Bob Martin, Berkeley bookstore volunteer 
Owl and Company Bookshop, Oakland 
Page Against the Machine, Long Beach 
Rebound Books, San Rafael 
Revolution Books, Berkeley 
Revolution Books, Harlem 
Kurt Thometz (The Private Library), NYC 
Unoppressive Non-Imperialist Bargain Books, NYC 
Walden Pond Books, Oakland