
Friday, April 26, 2024

Stop the Crackdown on Pro-Palestinian Student Protest! Stop the U.S.-Israeli Genocide Against Palestinians!



From the Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity:


Stop the Crackdown on Pro-Palestinian Student Protest
Stop the U.S.-Israeli Genocide Against Palestinians!
Anti-Zionism Is Not Antisemitism
From Palestine to the U.S., Revolution, Nothing Less!

Across the country, righteous students protesting the U.S.-backed Israeli genocide of Palestinians are being met with vicious, illegitimate repression! At Columbia University, 108 students were arrested, suspended and thrown out of student housing for nonviolently occupying their campus lawn. It matters that in the face of this, more students stepped out to resurrect their encampment! It matters that from Michigan to Minnesota to Texas and California and beyond, students set up sister encampments protesting the genocide in Gaza!

Now these brave young people face slander, suspensions, brutality and more than 400 arrests! This comes on the heels of fascist Congressional witch-hunts that drove out the presidents of Harvard and UPenn and drove Columbia’s president to step up her vicious crack-down.

What is driving this outrageous repression?

And more, why is the U.S. government—both ruling parties—hellbent on backing the intensifying genocide in Gaza which has claimed more than 34,000 lives and driven 2.3 million Palestinians to the brink of starvation?

In speaking of the repression now going on against pro-Palestinian students on U.S. campuses, the revolutionary communist leader Bob Avakian (BA) has said:

Why is this happening? Because fundamental interests of U.S. capitalism-imperialism are at stake. Because Israel plays a “special role” as a heavily armed bastion of support for U.S. imperialism in a strategically important part of the world (the “Middle East”). And Israel has been a key force in the commission of atrocities which have helped to maintain the oppressive rule of U.S. imperialism in many other parts of the world.

And this repression is happening because representatives of the ruling class in this country have a definite sense that if youth especially at “elite” universities begin to seriously question and act against what this system is doing—if the system “loses the allegiance” of large numbers of those students—that can be a big factor in creating a real crisis for the system as a whole, as happened in the 1960s: a crisis that, now more than ever, this system really cannot afford, when the whole country is already being torn apart by deep divisions, with bitter clashes right among the ruling powers. So, at the same time as they are bitterly divided, the ruling powers of this country are firmly united in their determination to punish and intimidate especially students at elite universities who have stepped forward to protest the genocidal slaughter of Palestinians. The ruling class is desperate to prevent opposition to its fundamental interests from spreading and involving masses of people, from all parts of society.

All this reveals, more “nakedly” than in “normal situations,” the actual dictatorship behind the outer shell of “democracy” of this country—and it shines a light on the strategic weakness of this system, when it does lose the allegiance of major sections of the people and this has the potential to spread to all parts of society, including among the dominant institutions of this system.

Listen to Bob Avakian

Listen to the full dispatch (#27) from Bob Avakian quoted above, and hear more truths the powers-that-be don’t want you to know about REAL REVOLUTION, IN THIS TIME, follow

on all social media platforms 
WHO IS BOB AVAKIAN? Bob Avakian (BA) has been a revolutionary fighter, thinker and leader since the 1960’s, and he has developed the new communism. This includes the analysis and strategy for a real revolution in this country (yes, a “physical revolution”) and BA has led the work to make that real, at the soonest possible time. As such, he is loved by many—and he is slandered by people who have a stake in the current system or can see no further than getting such a stake.
BA has written on the Middle East and the crucial struggle against U.S. imperialism and its “attack dog” Israel for over 40 years. His current series of social media dispatches scientifically confront the hardest questions, and puts forward a revolutionary solution.
Engage. Make up your own mind. Be serious—for the world is very very serious right now.

WATCH last night's premiere of 

Episode 193 of the The RNL— Revolution, Nothing Less!— Show: Campus Crackdown & Righteous Resistance As U.S./Israeli Genocide In Gaza Intensifies

(323) 671-9839


Read the Call for May Day 2024 >>

Download artwork for National Posters and Flyer >>

Find a location near you >>—where you go to scientifically understand and radically change the world... Go to every day.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Revolutionary Internationalist May Day 2024 - Rally and Picnic on Sunday, May 5


Los Angeles

Rally and Picnic
Sunday May 5, 1 p.m.
Jim Gilliam Park
4000 South La Brea Avenue

(323) 671-9839

The madness of this system of capitalism-imperialism cannot be fixed or reformed. From the heartless U.S./Israeli slaughter and starvation of Palestinians… to the threats of nuclear annihilation... from the city streets, hell-hole prisons and police who terrorize and kill Black and Brown people... to the denial of women's right to abortion and attacks on LGBTQ people...

The problem is the system of capitalism-imperialism.

When the parasitic luxury of some rests on a world where whole countries are turned into sweatshops… a world of child labor and sexual slavery… a world where millions of migrants and refugees are driven to risk everything to cross borders—only to then be demonized and hunted like animals:

This system must be overthrown.

When this system has poisoned the air and water, destroying the environment...  when its rulers threaten nuclear war… and the very future of humanity is in real danger:

We need and we demand a whole new way to live, a fundamentally different system!

Some say that nothing can change and it's out of our hands. 


On May Day 2024, we declare: We will dare to fight and win a future worthy of our children and all of humanity.

In powerful social media messages, the revolutionary leader Bob Avakian has done what nobody in this country has ever done before. He breaks down for everyone why we need a real revolution and how this revolution can be made—not in some far-off time, but right in this time. Listen to these messages at @BobAvakianOfficial on all social media platforms.

Bob Avakian says:

With thousands organized into the ranks of the revolution, millions can be won to revolution; and with millions won to revolution, there could be a real possibility for this revolution to win.

Be one of those thousands needed NOW! Join The REVCOM CORPS for the Emancipation of Humanity, and become a part of making this revolution known as a growing, organized, disciplined, bold, and fearless force. Learn about the revolution while spreading the word that there is a way to change the world.

If you have the heart to fight for something worth fighting for, 

Be There May Day 2024!

Read the Call for May Day 2024 >>

Download artwork for National Posters and Flyer >>

Find a location near you >>—where you go to scientifically understand and radically change the world... Go to every day.

📺 Fundraising Livestream • Sunday, April 28th • Goal: $15,000 by May 5th!


Revolutionary Internationalist May Day 2024



2pm PDT / 4pm CDT / 5pm EDT / TheRevcoms


Goal: $15,000 by May 5th!

This year revcoms (revolutionary communists) have called for gatherings and manifestations during the time of May 1 to May 5 to declare that: 

We need and we demand revolution for a whole new way to live, a fundamentally different system!
Stop the U.S./Israeli Genocide of Palestinians NOW!
Stop Capitalism-Imperialism from Stealing Our Future!

The madness of this system of capitalism-imperialism cannot be fixed or reformed. We will dare to fight and win a future worthy of our children and all of humanity. 

Tune in on Sunday, April 28 and donate! Goal: $15,000 by May 5th! You will hear straight from the revcoms how we are taking the call for revolution right into the midst of the sharpest contradictions and clashes going on in society: from righteous campus protests demanding an end to the genocide in Gaza… to the brutal attacks on and deportations of migrants at the border who are desperately seeking a way to survive… to the ghettos and barrios where the people are catching the hardest hell. Learn how in the midst of all this we are building the Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity.

Time is short and this message must get out everywhere. We are calling on you to participate—to donate, to raise money, to issue and gather video and written statements on why people should donate and be part of the revolution and come to May Day 2024. 

We are serious about bringing forward thousands NOW into the ranks of the revolution.

Revolutionary leader Bob Avakian says: 

I’m talking about a real revolution—a revolution to actually overthrow this system we are now forced to live under, and bring something much better into being—a whole different way to live and to relate to each other, a completely different system, working to meet the fundamental needs of the masses of people, and to serve their highest interests in putting an end to all oppression and exploitation, everywhere in the world. A revolution, and a radically new society, that really is liberating and uplifting.
And I’m talking about a real revolution in this time, not in some far off distant time.

Your donation will contribute to:

  • Supporting the work of revolutionary leaders and committed young revolutionaries in Los Angeles who are anchoring a national movement for revolution
  • Promotion of both the Bob Avakian Interviews on The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show and the powerful and timely messages coming out on @BobAvakianOfficial social media
  • Production of The RNL—Revolution Nothing Less!—Show and the website where you get unique analysis of major events and trends, learn about the revolution and how to be part of it, and find the major works of Bob Avakian
Revolutionary Internationalist May Day 2024 slogans

Read the Call for May Day 2024 >>

Download artwork for National Posters and Flyer >>

Find a location near you >>—where you go to scientifically understand and radically change the world... Go to every day.