
Friday, June 14, 2019

FRIDAY - The Michael Slate Show w/ Lenny Wolff from the National Revolution Tour: A beginning force for an actual revolution came on the scene

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Friday, June 14, 2019
10 - 11 AM - PDT
The Michael Slate Show

KPFK 90.7 FM  |  Listen Live
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This week:

On Saturday, June 8
In the streets of South Central Los Angeles
A beginning force for an actual revolution came on the scene

We'll spend the hour with Lenny Wolff and Michelle of the Get Organized for an Actual Revolution Tour, about the day of revolution, June 8.

From On Saturday, June 8 in South Central Los Angeles, something new appeared on the scene... the beginnings of a movement for an actual revolution. People have never seen anything like this. The specter of an organized force growing was raised: in the discipline, defiance and joy of the revolutionary cohort marching with chants that put forth the goal of revolution for the emancipation of humanity. At the march’s conclusion in front of the notoriously brutal 77th Division of LAPD, a sharp indictment of the whole system and of America was delivered by Noche Diaz speaking for the National Revolution Tour, which was then dramatically brought home in the statement made with the simultaneous burning of five American flags for each of the 5 Stops—5 horrors of this system that cannot be reformed, but which must be No More! Read more. 

Keep up with the Get Organized for an Actual Revolution Tour:

Text GETFREE to 55222.

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