
Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Don't let them criminalize protesting fascism, be there Wednesday, 7pm

From RefuseFascism - SoCal:
Be part of the Defense Committee for the #Freeway9 and #UCLA5

- How is the LA City Attorney and LAPD criminalizing protest against the Trump/Pence fascist regime that steps outside the confines of meaningless protest-as-usual?
- How are they surveilling and suppressing political protest?
- How can you be part of stopping it?

Come to a meeting Wednesday, July 10, 7pm 
Trinity Episcopal Church

650 N. Berendo Street
Los Angeles, CA 90004
Call Refuse Fascism at 323.946.1742 for more info.


On June 28th, a mistrial was declared in the case against two members of Refuse Fascism and the Revolution Club who are part of the #Freeway9 defendants.
In the fall of 2017, these defendants stepped unto the 101 freeway in Downtown L.A during morning rush hour with a 50ft banner that read "Trump/Pence Regime Must Go" sounding the alarm of fascism and calling on millions to act commensurate to the situation facing humanity.  As we witness concentration camps openly torturing immigrants, we can see clearly how right heroes were.

During the trial the jury was able to hear from the defendants themselves on what compelled them to get into the freeway.  Several people on the jury refused to convict, so the judge declared it a mistrial. The prosecution immediately said they were going to reset the case and won a retrial. The trial is set to begin July 22nd at the Metropolitan Courthouse.

But the jury was prevented from hearing about all the ways the LAPD criminalized and surveilled Refuse Fascism, including by sending a spy into meetings at a church to record the meeting and private conversations.

On Wednesday July 10th, be part of a Defense Committee meeting to spread the word about these cases, raise funds and go on the offensive with the simple fact: protesting fascism is not a crime, it is necessary and right.

These defendants are facing up to 3 years in prison and thousands of dollars in fines, if found guilty for attempting to wake up millions to the extreme danger we are facing with this regime.  This case is about what it means to act commensurate with the rapid-moving consolidation of fascism.  The Democratic Party politicians that run LA, including the City Attorney Mike Feuer are working overtime to criminalize dissent and protest that steps outside of the normal confines of meaningless politics-as-usual.

Anyone who is concerned about the danger to humanity posed by what this regime is doing, anyone who is agonized about what this regime is doing to immigrants, LGBTQ people, women, the environment and what they are threatening to the people of the world -- needs to be part of demanding these charges be dropped, and needs to help this case become known throughout society.

These defendants are heroes and must be supported, as an overall political fight to drive the Trump/Pence fascist regime from power.

Sign the petition to Demand: Drop the Charges!

* For more on the dangerous precedent being set by the prosecution, read this: Some Observations on the Declared Mistrial of the Freeway 9 Defendants: This Fight Is Not Over! The Stakes Are Great for All Those Who Hate This Regime, and Who Wish for a Better World

* For background on these cases, go to