
Sunday, October 6, 2019

"Internationalism: The Whole World Comes First!" SUNDAY - Fundraising Dinner @ Peace Center

From the Revolution Club - LA:

Internationalism – The Whole World Comes First!
(Basics 5:8)

Support and Sustain the National Get Organized for an ACTUAL Revolution Tour!


Sunday, Oct. 6, 2019, 4-7 pm
Peace Center West, 3916 Sepulveda, Culver City, CA

 Questions or RSVP:

"We have 2 choices:
either, live with all this & condemn future generations to the same, or worse, if they have a future at all...
- Bob Avakian
Yes, “the house is on fire,” as climate activists declare. We are facing a crisis of unprecedented and existential dimensions—threatening the ecosystems of the planet and life itself. Yet three years on since the adoption of the Paris UN climate accords in 2016, not one major capitalist industrial power is on track to meeting its (obscenely inadequate) goals, and the U.S. has withdrawn. As the planet heats up! 
The question is... what underlies this crisis and what must be done? The stakes could not be higher. 
There are in fact only two choices: Let the planet hurtle uncontrollably toward environmental disaster, and let other horrors continue and intensify—such as wars of aggression and the oppression of Black and Brown people, of women, and of immigrants—OR we make a revolution, an actual revolution to overthrow this system of capitalism-imperialism. 
How would a revolutionary socialist society address the environmental emergency? To the many, many people who DO feel the depth and urgency of the situation, we invite and challenge you to grapple with the only framework through which humanity can forge a viable answer to this environmental emergency, and on a truly emancipatory basis. We need a whole other way... and there are a Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America authored by Bob Avakian and “Some Key Principles of Socialist Sustainable Development” that show the way.


Someone who was inspired by watching the video of Maya tearing up the American flag at the Bud Billiken parade donated $150. He wrote:
“I’m tired of all this enforced patriotism! Support Our Troops is all over town at the same time a pro-immigrant and lgbt church in Albuquerque is vandalized 7 times in 3 weeks!  So when the proud Boys display the confederate flag with a nod from Trump, I can certainly support the rev club burning and ripping the us flag as seen on the website!”
This stand and impact are all the more urgent today, amid the deafening drumbeats of war.
To learn more about the National Get Organized for an ACTUAL Revolution Tour, go to close up of a sign

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The collective efforts and financial contributions of hundreds of people around the country turning their minds toward revolution have made possible the achievement of the $50,000 summer fundraising goal for the National Get Organized for an ACTUAL Revolution Tour. 
The funds that have been raised so far have been critical to enabling the Tour to have broad impact in Los Angeles and Chicago. For Tour members who have left jobs and families, the funds have helped to feed and house them, to produce materials to spread revolution, to travel from city to city, and to carry out high profile actions.
The Tour is now in New York to take things to a higher level. Many tens of thousands of dollars are needed to continue to fund these volunteers and enable the Tour to keep on disturbing the air with revolution and challenging people to confront the nightmare humanity is living and the need to overthrow this system in order to get free of this—and to bring forward thousands of people into organized relationship to this revolution.

I pledge to support the National Revolution Tour with:
 $___________ monthly sustainer or $___________ donation now
 I will donate a food dish for the dinner: _________________________________
 I will organize or contribute to a yard sale or bake sale  ____________________
 Other (e.g., speaking engagements, press, digital, translate): _______________
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________  Email: _____________________________________