
Thursday, November 7, 2019

What do you say when Trump Jr comes trolling? #OutNow!

What Do You Say When Trump Jr Comes Trolling? 
Donald Trump Jr is coming to UCLA to peddle Triggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us.  He is starting his tour at the campus where Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin was booed in 2017, and protesters sounding the alarm on what this regime would mean were literally lifted out of their seats, arrested, surveilled, dragged through the courts but ultimately acquitted.

Junior is coming here to defend an American form of fascism: Trump’s “Make America Great Again” is a 21st century fascist program of Manifest Destiny – “America First” – wrapped in the flag and Mike Pence’s Bible taken literally.  A specifically American culmination of white supremacy, misogyny, and xenophobia.
Every chapter in Junior's book is an inversion of reality straight from Foxworld – aggrieved white Americans and Christians are under siege and being silenced by liberals, leftists and socialists. Real men are being undermined by gender fluidity and transgendered people.  The President is unfairly being called a racist for calling the people in Charlottesville who oppose taking down confederate statues while marching with Tiki torches good people. Latinos are invading the country with gangs and drugs, “comparing today’s illegal immigration with the ones who built the country is ludicrous.”  Anti-fascists should be treated as terrorists. And now it is the anti-fascists who are the real fascists.
Junior, as recently documented in the NY Times, is often the source of Trump Senior's tweets from alt right figures who promote the idea of “white genocide” and “great replacement theories.”  (Google those phrases!) And now this sledgehammer with a sneer is touring campuses with Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA, a white power symbol flashing nazi who worked with Jr throughout the 2016 campaign. Turning Point USA is a Betsy De Vos/theocratic funded organization aimed at building a fascist student movement.  
Trump Sr. is responding to impeachment delegitimizing the legal process –  and whipping up his base at stadium-style nazi rallies while elected officials, religious figures, the NRA and Proud Boys (who recently assaulted Refuse Fascism with bear repellant in Santa Monica) are calling for a civil war ordained by god if Trump is impeached.  Junior is priming that same base with the idea that because Trump voters are under attack by an opposition that is “the enemy,” this is justified.
Far too many students are indifferent and ignoring the gathering threat – thinking “it can’t happen here” and waiting for impeachment and the elections to stop this, when this regime has demonstrated its determination to shatter all the normal processes. If left in power, the Trump/Pence fascist regime will effect a thoroughly reactionary restructuring of society.

Silence when Trump tours your campus is normalizing the danger of fascism moving to consolidate.  If people sit out what actually are turning points – adjusting to the injustice of this regime and not taking to the streets in response to the establishment of concentration camps and 5400 children still separated from their parents as just one example – do not ask how the German people could have tolerated Nazism in the 1930s.

Instead, be part of letting the world know: this will not happen on our watch.  This time let history show we stopped them while there was still a chance.

#OutNow! has launched a movement taking place now – mobilizing people into the streets week after week in non-violent, sustained mass protests – until the Trump/Pence regime is driven from power. 

  PROTEST SUNDAY, Nov 10, 11am ● UCLA, Moore Hall, 2043 Portola Plaza ● @RefuseFascismLA ● #OutNow 
Junior justifies theocracy:
"Then, when it came time to write their laws, [the founders] looked to the Ten Commandments for guidance.  Separation of church and state in this country means that the government can't tell people what faith they can practice.  It doesn't stop people from making laws based on their religious beliefs."

Junior ignores reality on social media:
"You just don't see conservatives - even the younger ones who know how social media works - using the same organized mob tactics used by left-wing SJWs."

Junior prepares the "base":
"Today, the left, the liberal media, and the administrative state have their eyes wide open.  They're like a trapped animal.  They will do anything to regain power.  Anything."