
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

National Revolution Tour returns to LA. A call for funds, housing, frequent flyer miles, cars, yard sale items and more

From the National Revolution Tour:
Dear Friends,

The National Get Organized for an Actual Revolution Tour will be coming to Los Angeles in March – I am writing to ask for your support!

At a time of looming existential threat to our planet, while the Trump/Pence regime is quickly moving forward to consolidate fascism, at a moment of mass despair and hopelessness, the National Revolution Tour is going everywhere with the fact that there's a whole other way the world can be. We have been focused in cities across the country to spread this revolution and organize forces into the Revolution, putting the new communism and the leadership of Bob Avakian, who has developed that new communism, before the world. We are reaching out to you to volunteer and contribute support. Your donation of time, funds, housing, frequent flyer miles, cars, rides, good quality yard sale items, printing and more, is a great need and a great part of the revolution.

The world is a horror, and it doesn't have to be this way! There is a way to put an end to:

 - Genocidal persecution, mass incarceration, police brutality of Black & brown people!
 - Patriarchal degradation, dehumanization and subjugation of all women everywhere and all oppression based on sexual orientation!
 - Wars of empire, armies of occupation and crimes against humanity!
 - Demonization, criminalization and deportations of immigrants and the militarization of the border!
 - Capitalism-imperialism destroying our planet!

This system of Capitalism-Imperialism has no solution to any of these horrors it generates, only an actual revolution can put an end to this and go on to build a completely different society on the road to real emancipation! As Bob Avakian,the leader of the revolution says, “Let’s get down to basics: We need a revolution. Anything else in the final analysis, is bullshit!”

The Revolution Tour is working and struggling to wrench out of all this a brighter future, beyond the dominant consumerism and individualism, the idea that we only got to do for self. Be part of this and contribute to a better way of life without misogyny; fascism; racism; where women, men and LGBTQ people are all treated as equals; a world without borders. This vision – and way of living and fighting for this today – is concentrated in the Points of Attention of the revolution.

The volunteers on this Tour are fearless and dedicated to this mission. This past year they have been in the front lines of major struggle. They were in Richmond,VA, where 20,000 white supremacists rallied in full military gear. The National Tour was in the thick of that –the only force counter-protesting, and raising the banners "NO WHITE SUPREMACY, TRUMP/PENCE OUT NOW! REVOLUTION -- NOTHING LESS!  A BETTER WORLD IS POSSIBLE."  They've been in DC during Trump's Impeachment trial, fighting to mobilize people into the streets and demand Trump/Pence Out Now. They've been struggling with the youth from the south side of Chicago to the South Bronx, from Columbia University to UCLA.

Your donations will allow these volunteers to stay rested, fed, resilient and well-equipped with cars, bullhorns, banners, posters, as they travel throughout Southern California (and anywhere in the country they may be needed on a moment’s notice) to spread the word and bring more brothers and sisters into the Revolution.

We are reaching out to you to make a concrete ask, would you donate generously to the National Revolution Tour? You along with many others are working together to meet the very urgent needs of this tour.

Now more than ever the work of the tour to put before society that THERE IS A REAL WAY OUT, and to bring forward and train new waves of revolutionaries and revolutionary leaders on the basis of Bob Avakian's new communism, is both needed and holds potential to radically raise people's sights and carve a way forward out of the darkness and dread that this system imposes on the world.

 - Members of the Revolution Club, LA and the National Revolution Tour