
Sunday, May 31, 2020

TODAY: Fundraising Livestream with Carl Dix and Sunsara Taylor, from Minneapolis

From Revolution/

TODAY, Sunday, 4pm PST/7pm EST
Fundraising Livestream for the National Tour to Get Organized for An Actual Revolution and The RNL – Revolution, Nothing Less – Show, now on the ground in Minneapolis

The cold-blooded murder of George Floyd, with graphic new details emerging, drives home again how for 400 years this system has enchained, exploited, oppressed, brutalized and murdered Black people every single day of its existence.  A system that now has a fascist at its head.  The police who did this are enforcers FOR that system – a system that exploits and oppresses people here and all over the world in horrific ways.

But all that is not new.

What is new is the way in which people have risen up and fought back hard against this, with tremendous bravery and purpose – in cities across the country, young people of all nationalities refusing to go along with this nightmare.  People have lit up the sky with a very clear message: THIS MUST STOP!  NOW!  More and more people must get involved in this, standing up and fighting back.  Which side are you on?

The fearlessness and determination of the people has struck fear into the hearts of those who rule over the people.  So these rulers brutalize, arrest, shoot at, tear gas, threaten, promise, slander, posture, and lie to try to stuff people back into the bottle.  NO!  We won’t turn back.  We won’t be divided.

The protests of today must be transformed into a movement for an ACTUAL REVOLUTION.  A revolution that does not just reform this system, butoverthrows it.  A revolution not for revenge but for the emancipation of all humanity.   A revolution at the soonest possible time.  There is the leadership for this revolution in Bob Avakian, there is a guiding strategy for it, and there is a need and a way for you to be part of this.

In order for this to spread, major funds are needed.  The National Revolution Tour has people on the ground in LA and in Minneapolis.  We are taking this message to people across the country – to all those who catch the worst hell under this system, and those who are sickened by the endless outrages perpetrated by this system.  But for this to reach on the scale necessary, we need to raise tens of thousands of dollars.  People in the streets are stepping forward to fill a great need, but they need leadership.

Be part of making this possible.  Tune in tomorrow, contribute, reach out to your friends and family.


For more about the National Get Organized for an ACTUAL Revolution Tour click HERE

New Statement of Support:
From a healthcare provider:
I am pledging $300 out of my stimulus check (yes, that stimulus check) to help to advance the cause of the movement for revolution and to help to drive out the fascist, white supremacist Trump/Pence regime. I am also issuing a challenge for people to meet and match this amount so that it can be doubled to $600.
The RNL Show is a lively, engaging and challenging show that puts forth the very real potential for a much different future for humanity.
I am a healthcare provider who has seen over many years, the horror of what the lack of healthcare does to people not just in the U.S. but around the world as well. People with serious medical conditions show up for help in ERs with their conditions worsened because they have no access to healthcare... There are women who have to go miles and spend large amounts of money to get the abortion care/women’s health care that they need and is their right due to the attacks on their reproductive rights. We live in the world where “...5.3 million children under age five died in 2018...” This is all from preventable causes like malnutrition, clean water, and diseases like the measles, pneumonia and so forth. In the U.S., COVID-19 is killing Black, Brown and Native American people in higher numbers out of proportion to their population size. This is genocide in action!
The world does not have to be this way...