
Sunday, August 30, 2020

🎬 WATCH 🎬 Bloodlust at Trump's RNC, Bloodshed in Kenosha, Abortion Under Attack: Trump/Pence Out Now! — The RNL Show

From Revolution /

Episode 23 of
The RNL Show—Revolution, Nothing Less!

August 28, 2020 |

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“Bloodlust at Trump's RNC, Bloodshed in Kenosha, Abortion Under Attack: Trump/Pence Out Now!”

The Revolution, Nothing Less Show
Andy Zee and Sunsara Taylor speak on the ongoing police terror, rising vigilante violence, the outright fascist bloodlust at the RNC and the stakes for humanity. They drive home the importance of moving heaven and earth to mobilize mass, nonviolent sustained protest to drive out the Trump/Pence fascist regime, with a powerful launch called by on September 5. 
As abortion rights hang by a thread, Sunsara interviews Pulitzer Prize-winning NY Times writer Linda Greenhouse on the growing legal restrictions on abortion, Trump's judicial appointees, and the moves towards theocracy.

Follow: @therevcoms
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Friday, August 21, 2020

🎬 WATCH 🎬 As Fascism Accelerates, Protest Sept 5: Trump/Pence Out Now! — The RNL Show

From Revolution /
Episode 22 of The RNL—Revolution Nothing Less—Show
As Fascism Accelerates, Protest Sept 5: Trump/Pence Out Now!


The Revolution Nothing Less Show, Episode 22
Premieres Friday, August 21 at 5pm Pacific, 8pm Eastern

Host Andy Zee will sound the alarm on the aggressive acceleration towards all-out fascism by the Trump/Pence regime as we speed towards an election Trump is already contesting and threatening to cancel. He will make the case for the historical imperative that everyone of conscience take up the call by to protest on September 5 to demand: Trump/Pence Out Now!

A powerful video will further expose the high-stakes assault on the elections already underway by Trump and how this fits into his overall fascist agenda.

Actor Jodie Sweetin will sit down in conversation with co-host Sunsara Taylor to speak about her involvement with and how she sees the importance of taking to the streets on September 5 to demand: Trump/Pence Out Now!

NOTE: Normally The RNL Show uploads new episodes each Thursday, but this week the new episode will be uploaded on Friday, August 21.

Follow: @therevcoms
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Leave a comment and spread the word all over social media to help extend the reach of The RNL Show — Revolution, Nothing Less!


Watch and share co-host Sunsara Taylor's invitation to view Episode 22.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Friday - The Michael Slate Show: Bob Avakian's Statement on The Immediate Critical Situation - Discussion with Lenny Wolff plus call-ins

Received via email.  We Recommend:

Friday, August 21, 2020
10 - 11 AM - PDT
The Michael Slate Show

KPFK 90.7 FM  |  Listen Live
Twitter,  Facebook

Think about it! If you’re living in the world today you are living in one of the most dangerous times in modern human history. A handful of fascists around the world – very much including the US rulers – threaten to tear the world to pieces. This isn’t a science fiction film but the consolidation of an all out fascist regime determined to rule the world- no matter what it takes. These are the people we are forced to live under and they are the greatest threat to humanity ever. If you cannot, will not, accept this then you need to stand up and stop fascism now.

Friday's show will be about the Statement by Bob Avakian, 
I'll be talking live with Lenny Wolff, a veteran communist and fighter for Bob Avakian's New Synthesis of Communism, and a participant in the National Revolution Tour. We will be talking about BA's Statement, and taking your questions and comments about it, both what it says about the times we're in, and the urgent steps that need to be taken. You can listen to it again on last week's show, or read it at

Post your questions online on my Facebook page, or tweet them to @MichaelSlate195

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

September 5: Don't wait. Demand this regime MUST GO

More leaps in consolidating fascism: Mail-in voting in the US has a .0006 incidence of fraud, but Trump claims millions will vote illegally.  He's openly proposed delaying the election, and says he won't promise to accept the results.  His campaign and the Republican Party have been preparing for years to suppress votes from Black & Latinx voters, including with armed "poll watchers," while they accuse Democrats of massive fraud.  Trump says his words ARE the law.

The outcome in Belarus yesterday - where the 24-year president Lukaschenko claimed to have won 80% of votes for re-election despite massive support for the opposition - shows that we can't passively wait to see how Trump moves to stay in power.  The last ten weeks of protest by an estimated 15 million in this country shows we can mount mass, sustained, non-violent protest.

Everyone concerned about justice & all movements for justice into the streets September 5 together to demand Trump/Pence Out Now...
We start Saturday September 5: TrumpPenceOutNOW! This Regime Must GO!

“We have everything to lose if we wait, but everything to gain if we act now to bring millions into the streets refusing to accept a fascist America.

There are two futures before us. Which one we get is up to us.”

Los Angeles 2:00 pm Trump star @Hollywood & Highland Facebook event

United Nationwide mass protest plans: 
Add your city here.
New York City 5:00 pm Union Square Facebook event
Atlanta 4:00 pm King Center Facebook event
Austin 6:00 pm State Capitol Facebook event
Boston 4:00 pm Copley Square Facebook event
Chicago 5:00 pm Federal Plaza Facebook event
Cleveland 5:00 pm Market Square Facebook event
Detroit 5:00 pm Spirit of Detroit Facebook event
Honolulu 9:30 am Kaka'ako Gateway Park Facebook event
Houston 4:00 pm City Hall Facebook event
Los Angeles 2:00 pm Trump star @Hollywood & Highland Facebook event
Philadelphia 5:00 Independence Mall Facebook event
San Francisco 12:00 pm Embarcadero Plaza Facebook event
Seattle 2:00 pm Westlake Park Facebook event

>> Download & distribute flyer for September 5
> > Sign up to join the TrumpPenceOutNOW contingent in Washington DC August 28 for "Get Your Knee Off Our Necks" March.  The beautiful uprisings against white supremacy and police killing of Black people this summer mean this march will be BIG.  Join the team to spread the demand:TrumpPenceOutNOW and organize for Labor Day weekend's protests, until the fascist Trump/Pence regime is out of power.

Latest Inside with OUT NOW podcasts:
Subscribe for important interviews with scholars, activists, and journalists on the Trump/Pence regime.

Michael Coard: “Fascism Doesn’t Just Show Up Out of Nowhere” | September 5: DEMAND TRUMP PENCE OUT NOW! Inside With Out Now

Amid increasingly ominous signs that the Trump/Pence regime is undermining US elections, issues a call for nationwide protest on September 5 demanding Trump/Pence Out Now. Members of the Editorial Board (@CocoDas @Carl_Dix @AfterDaylight) discuss why and how these protests are being organized.

Plus, attorney, writer, and self-identified "Angriest Black Man in America" Michael Coard speaks with Sam Goldman about uprooting structural racism and the urgency of the moment we're in now with a fascist regime in power. Follow him @MichaelCoard and read his latest article on Trump's fascism is sprinting, not creeping, toward Philly and other big cities.

“If NOW isn’t the time to be in the streets nonviolently demanding the immediate ouster of this regime, when IS?”
New Black Trump/Pence #OutNOW Mask
Set a political & public health example $15.00

also OrangeTrump/Pence #OutNOW Mask $15.00

Trump/Pence OutNOW t-shirts $15.00
All cotton, men's and women's styles national team 917 407 1286


Friday, August 14, 2020

Friday 8/14 Rally & March: Stop Fascist Voter Suppression

Received from the Revolution Club LA:

Trump/Pence Out NOW!
Stop Fascist Voter Suppression!

In The Name Of Humanity,
We Refuse To Accept a Fascist America!

A Better World Is Possible – We Need Revolution, Nothing Less!
Rally at USPS Post Office & March in South Central
Friday August 14th - 4PM - 7101 S. Central Ave

We are being ruled by a fascist regime – What does that mean? This capitalist system has always been based on ruthless exploitation and brutal oppression. That’s nothing new. What is different? Trump is an OPEN white supremacist, male supremacist, a demented bully with his finger on the nuclear button, who is determined to make a full on power grab – fascism – where Trump and his people reign with open dictatorship and reliance on terror and violence. Where the law becomes what Trump/Pence’s regime says it is.

Think about what this will mean with Trump, who has already:
Trump’s regime kidnaps children at the border, caging them or hiding them in hotels or scattering them around the country to never see their families again.

Police always used murder, terror, and incarceration as slow-genocide against Black and Brown people. Now, Trump has sent a surge of federal agents into Chicago to create police task forces with even more illegitimate power over people, giving these puffed-up pigs a mandate to go to fast-genocide.

People who fight injustice and for fundamental change have always been met with attacks by this system. Now, Trump has sent unmarked and masked Federal Agents answerable only to Trump into Portland to disappear people protesting the police murder of George Floyd, promises to do this in more cities, while also trying to outlaw and punish forms of protest.

These agents and task forces not only target the people, but also threaten to be used against any challengers to this fascism, even liberal Democratic rivals that don’t go along with Trump’s program.
Think about where this goes if Trump is able to lock-in this fascist order?

This move to all-out fascism is coming to a clash with this election. Attacking the right to vote for Black and Latino people. Stationing 50k loyal “poll watchers” to intimidate those who might vote against Trump. Among other preparations, Trump recently appointed a head of the USPS (Postal Service) who immediately slowed down mail delivery, eliminated overtime, shut down post offices, and froze hiring... all to discredit and throw away mail-in votes against Trump, as part of ensuring this regime can stay in power and lock-in their program.
Over the last 2+ months, in the beautiful uprising against institutionalized racism and police murder, we have seen the impossible become possible when people come together in determined protest and shake the whole society, and come back stronger in the face of attacks. We are calling on people to build up mobilizations coming together with the unifying demand Trump/Pence Out Now. In the Revolution Club we understand that defeating Trump’s fascism will be a great gift to humanity, and a critical part of building for the revolution we need to end all oppression.


"With the full awareness of what is represented by this fascist regime, and what it means that Trump is not only seeking to suppress the votes of people who will vote against him but is also preparing to utilize forceful, violent repression to remain in office if he is not declared the winner in the election, it is of critical and urgent importance to build now truly massive and sustained mobilization around the unifying demand that this regime must be OUT NOW!—with an orientation of being prepared to continue this even past the election, if the situation requires it."

His statement goes on to say:

"Finally, regardless of what happens with this election, it remains profoundly true—and it is vitally important to recognize, and to act on the understanding—that no fundamental change for the better can come under this system. Even as sustained mass mobilization urgently needs to be built around the unifying demand of Trump/Pence OUT NOW!, all those who have come to see that institutionalized white supremacy, male supremacy and the many other outrages and crimes against humanity perpetrated under this system are in fact built into this system of capitalism-imperialism must work together, in an ongoing way, to build a continually growing movement and to strengthen the organized forces for an actual revolution to overthrow this system."

Contact: @RevClub_LA

Monday, August 3, 2020

New statement by Bob Avakian on the immediate situation and the upcoming elections

From Revolution/


August 1, 2020


1. The situation today holds truly unprecedented and momentous challenges, with profound implications not only for the people in this country but for all of humanity. Three years ago, I spoke to this reality—which has become even more pronounced, and even more dangerous, in the time since then:
We are confronted by—we are now being ruled by—a fascist regime: relentlessly assaulting civil rights and liberties and openly promoting bigotry and inequality; acting with callous disregard or cold-blooded malice toward those they consider inferior and a drain or stain on the country; on a mission to deny health care to millions who will suffer and many who will die without it; crudely degrading women, as objects of plunder, breeders of children without the right to abortion or birth control, subordinate to husbands and men in general; defying the science of climate change, attacking the science of evolution, and repudiating the scientific method overall; a regime brandishing an arsenal of mass destruction and threatening nuclear war; intensifying state terror against Muslims, immigrants, and people in the inner cities; unleashing and giving encouragement and support to brutal thugs spewing vile “America First,” white supremacist, male supremacist, and anti-LGBT venom—a regime that boasts of all this and declares its intention to do even worse.
This is a regime headed by “a demented bully” with his finger on the nuclear button. It is a regime that, without exaggeration, threatens not just greatly heightened suffering for the masses of humanity but the very existence of humanity itself, through its intensified moves to further the plunder of the environment and its boasts of unequaled weapons of mass destruction and its blatant declaration of willingness to use those weapons, including its massive nuclear arsenal.

I have also emphasized that it is this system of capitalism-imperialism which, through its “normal workings,” has brought forth this fascism, and that no fundamental change for the better can be brought about under this system, and instead this system must be overthrown and replaced by a radically different and far better system, in order to abolish and uproot all relations of exploitation and oppression, and the violent conflicts they give rise to—all of which is built into the foundations of this system and its ongoing functioning and requirements.

Right now, for everyone who is concerned with ending injustice and oppression, and with the question of whether humanity will have a future worth living—or will have a future at all—removing the Trump/Pence fascist regime from power is an immediate, urgent question and truly historic imperative.

And, for those who understand the need for revolution, for the overthrow of this system, as the fundamental solution to the continuing horrors this system causes for the masses of humanity (whether this system is ruled through an open fascist dictatorship, or the disguised “democratic” dictatorship, of the ruling capitalist class), the immediate struggle to oust the Trump/Pence regime from power must be approached not as a “diversion” from (or “substitute for”) building the movement for the revolution that is needed, but precisely as part—a crucial part and urgent requirement—of the overall work of building for this revolution.

Our fundamental goal, and guiding star, remains: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS!

In everything we do, including in all the struggles we take part in that are themselves short of revolution, our consistent approach is, and must be, to make all this serve that fundamental goal of revolution and the emancipation of all humanity.


Normally, we revolutionary communists argue that people should not vote in bourgeois elections, which serve to reinforce the existing system of capitalism-imperialism and feed popular illusions that exploitation, oppression and injustices can somehow be “reformed away” short of getting rid of the system that gives rise to these horrors in the first place. But is this the right position to take in relation to this particular election?

To answer this, we need to look at the whole picture.

Read the full statement

- Learn more about Bob Avakian and the new communism

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