
Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Friday - The Michael Slate Show: Bob Avakian's Statement on The Immediate Critical Situation - Discussion with Lenny Wolff plus call-ins

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Friday, August 21, 2020
10 - 11 AM - PDT
The Michael Slate Show

KPFK 90.7 FM  |  Listen Live
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Think about it! If you’re living in the world today you are living in one of the most dangerous times in modern human history. A handful of fascists around the world – very much including the US rulers – threaten to tear the world to pieces. This isn’t a science fiction film but the consolidation of an all out fascist regime determined to rule the world- no matter what it takes. These are the people we are forced to live under and they are the greatest threat to humanity ever. If you cannot, will not, accept this then you need to stand up and stop fascism now.

Friday's show will be about the Statement by Bob Avakian, 
I'll be talking live with Lenny Wolff, a veteran communist and fighter for Bob Avakian's New Synthesis of Communism, and a participant in the National Revolution Tour. We will be talking about BA's Statement, and taking your questions and comments about it, both what it says about the times we're in, and the urgent steps that need to be taken. You can listen to it again on last week's show, or read it at

Post your questions online on my Facebook page, or tweet them to @MichaelSlate195