
Sunday, December 13, 2020

Wednesday Virtual Forum - COVID: A Case Study with Life & Death Stakes: Science, Epistemology, Conspiracy & Fascism




You're invited to join online for the third @RefuseFascism LIVE

COVID: A Case Study with Life & Death Stakes: Science, Epistemology, Conspiracy & Fascism

Wednesday, December 16, 5pm PT /8pm ET.

Watch on YouTubeFacebook, or Twitter

The Situation

Nearly 300,000 people in this country have died from COVID under a science-hating, genocidally racist, lunatic fascist regime, with the virus now out of control and thousands more projected to die before Trump leaves office. The Trump/Pence regime, the Republi-fascists, and their rabid base spread COVID as a matter of “liberty” – the liberty to infect and kill others.  Trump recovers from COVID with the best healthcare in the world and then tells his overwhelmingly white followers at a campaign rally in Minnesota that they have “good genes.” The regime’s COVID response concentrates many of the features of this fascist program – white supremacy, xenophobia, Christian fascism, and unhinged conspiracy theories.

Some Questions

How did we get to a point, and why have we tolerated, a regime that has facilitated the deaths of 300,000 people, disproportionately Black and brown people? Is this deliberate mass murder or “collateral damage” in service of a fascist or fundamentalist worldview? How do we wage a society-wide struggle for truth, science, and evidence-based epistemology?

Don’t miss an important forum to dig into this and more.


  • Coco Das, National Editorial Board of
  • Dr. Phil Rice, Emergency Medicine Physician, Salem, Massachusetts
  • Paul Street, historian and writer, author of Hollow Resistance, Obama, Trump, and the Politics of Appeasement, National Editorial Board Refuse Fascism
  • Andy Zee, host of The RNL – Revolution Nothing Less – Show; co-initiator of; spokesperson for Revolution Books.

Wednesday December 16 8:00 pm EST / 5:00 pm PST
Streamed on / Youtube / Facebook / Twitter

Watch and share this important panel discussion. This is the third in a series to dig into the roots of this American fascism. is a movement of people coming from diverse perspectives, united in our recognition that the Trump/Pence Regime poses a catastrophic danger to humanity and the planet, and that it is our responsibility to drive them from power through non-violent protests that grow every day until our demand is met.

The RNL — Revolution, Nothing Less — Show is a multidimensional youtube show about making revolution and emancipating humanity. It’s about the world and for a radically different world, bringing alive the need for revolution and the new communism developed by the revolutionary leader Bob Avakian.​




Dec 12, 2020 Rally and Speak-Out at Black Lives Matter Plaza

In the Name of Humanity, We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America

Trump: You Lost. Get the Hell Out!

Two days before electors vote to make Biden’s win official, Trump’s mindless followers rallied in DC behind the fiction of a stolen election. At Black Lives Matter Plaza, away from their rally and in front of the White House, Refuse Fascism called people into the street to declare:

STOP Trying to Overturn the Election!

STOP Your Murderous COVID Program!

STOP Your Dangerous War Moves!

STOP Whipping Up MAGA Fascist Mobs!

Trump/Pence OUT NOW!

Decent people need to stand the hell up and stop what is going on: Trump is attempting a fascist coup! Republicans nationwide are fighting to throw out millions of votes, while Trump’s fascist mobs terrorize elected officials and poll workers. Whether they succeed in overturning this particular election, they are succeeding in normalizing what no one can deny is fascist behavior toward public officials, dissenters and elections, with ominous implications for not just the future but the near-term present. So when his mindless supporters descend on DC this weekend, we will be in the public square saying: NO! In the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist America!


While Trump’s fascists march in DC, people see another message: REFUSE FASCISM and other messages of opposition to Trump and white supremacy