
Monday, July 25, 2022

A Challenge To All Who Are Heartsick at Where the World Is Today…


A Matching Donation Challenge from a Mental Health Professional:

To All of You Who Are Heartsick at Where the World Is Today…
“I am making a $1,000 challenge to all of you who are heartsick at where the world is today and horrified that women and girls are living a “handmaid’s tale” real-life scenario in this country. I am appealing to you, who realize the planet is burning up; that mankind may soon be on the brink of nuclear war and that billions of people around the globe are squashed beneath the parasitic boot of this system without mercy. We must have the courage and conviction to fight for BA, a precious leader who has devoted his life, using science, to locate the problem of this world, capitalism/imperialism, and has the only solution, revolution. is the critical source of information to analyze the world and learn what it will take to change it. We must strengthen and sustain this website to fight back the heinous attacks on “Rise Up”and on BA. Now is the time to bring forward the funds needed and the spirit needed to expand our forces and prepare the ground for a desperately needed communist revolution.”

A Mental Health Professional and supporter of the Revolution

At a rare moment like this, your donation to the summer fund drive enables to be there for the thousands, and millions, who are beginning to question whether this system is really all there is. And to connect people with a whole other way the world could be and how to get there; with the revolution and with its leader, Bob Avakian. In short, your donation now can make a world of difference.—where you go to scientifically understand and radically change the world... Go to every day.