
Saturday, September 17, 2022

🎬 Revolution Is Our Only Hope! Internationalism...The Climate Crisis & A World Ravaged by Imperialism


The RNL – Revolution, Nothing Less! Show

Premieres every Thursday night
5pm PT | 7pm CT | 8pm ET

This week: Episode 119
Internationalism...The Climate Crisis & A World Ravaged by Imperialism—Revolution Is Our Only Hope!

There is nothing like this show on the internet.
Watch it together with others. Spread it.

Featured on Episode 119:
  • Lenny Wolff on internationalism and an important new book from the Revolutionary Communist Organization of Mexico
  • Bob Avakian Q&A: “After the revolution, would Mexico still be the U.S.’s ‘backyard?’”
  • Raymond Lotta on Biden’s imperialist climate bill
  • The heroic Attica Prison Uprising of 1971
  • & more!

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A Liberating Road to Emancipate ALL Humanity?
Watch the RNL Show Weekly & Find Out!

Revolution, nothing less, we mean it.
The people of the world need it.

The planet, if it is to be able to continue to sustain humanity for future generations, needs it.

Masses of humanity, in their billions, are suffering horribly and unnecessarily. The need is as urgent as it is necessary, nothing less will address the situation we face.

Featured this week at


New Possibilities Are Opening Up for Liberatory Revolution In the Midst of Acute Crises and Upheavals of the Capitalist System — It Is Urgent to Organize the Fight For Revolution

Revolutionary Communist Organization, Mexico

Translated into English by

Read online

PDF (English)

Se abren nuevas posibilidades para la revolución liberadora en medio de agudas crisis y trastornos del sistema capitalista – urge organizarse y luchar para la revolución

Organización Comunista Revolucionaria, México

Lea aquí | PDF (español)

Bob Avakian and the New Communism on Internationalism

Internationalism—The Whole World Comes First. — BAsics 5:8

Read more
Bob Avakian y el Nuevo Comunismo sobre el internacionalismo

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