
Tuesday, January 17, 2023

America: Truly a Model—of Depraved Racist Genocide, by Bob Avakian


In This Issue… January 16, 2023

Welcome to REVOLUTION, the online weekly news source that lets you know what’s happening, why it’s happening, what it means for humanity… and how it all relates to making revolution.

This website grounds itself in the works and leadership of Bob Avakian, BA, the architect of the new communism. We are posting this week a new article from BA: AMERICA: Truly a Model—of DEPRAVED RACIST GENOCIDE. How can any decent person deny that we need a revolution to overthrow this system?! In a new year which has already witnessed the cold-blooded killing of three mentally disturbed people by the Los Angeles police—and in a society in which all too many “decent people” shrug and walk away in the face of this and many other outrages, or get pulled into non-solution solutions within this system—this article could not be more timely. Read it and share it widely.

If this piece moves you, you need to know more… much more. Over the past two months we’ve been promoting a set of new interviews with Bob Avakian, Up Close And Personal: Heart And Soul & Hard-Core For Revolution. There is no better introduction to who this leader is. You get to meet the person who’s done the work and provided the invaluable leadership, not only to people striving to get free in this country but, in a sweeping sense, to people around the world. You get the realness of the revolution he’s leading and the humanity of the vision he’s forged and the road to get there… you get the scientific method he’s developed applied to the most important questions in society and the biggest obstacles to making revolution… and you get the key ways people need to be moving now, and in the future, to meet the very big challenges involved in making revolution.

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The home page also features Something Terrible, Or Something Truly Emancipating: Profound Crisis, Deepening Divisions, The Looming Possibility Of Civil War—And The Revolution That Is Urgently Needed, A Necessary Foundation, A Basic Roadmap For This Revolution. This talk digs into the contradictions and conflicts tearing apart society that make this, yes, a very dangerous time… but also a time when making revolution is actually more possible.

This week, REVOLUTION is also featuring:

* Police Murders In Los Angeles: We cover the three murders carried out by the police with “New Year, Same System: 3 Murders by LAPD Usher in 2023,” the statement “New Year 2023: LAPD Slaughters Takar Smith, Oscar Leon Sanchez, and Keenan Anderson” distributed by the Revolution Club in Los Angeles, and this interview with two club leaders on the Michael Slate radio show on KPFK in Los Angeles and online. 

The 50th anniversary of Roe v. Wade: January 22 will mark 50 years since the Supreme Court recognized the constitutional right to abortion—a right which was cruelly ripped away by the fascist Court this past June. Over the next week we will be featuring articles getting into the importance of this right and the questions that now have to be posed and tackled. Today we’re featuring an interview Sunsara Taylor did with RiseUp4AbortionRights co-initiator Merle Hoffman on The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show on YouTube, and an article from the journalist and historian Paul Street. Very importantly, we also feature a selection of key articles written by Bob Avakian during last year’s intense battle to defend this right. Again, stay tuned this week for more.


* Last week Biden went to the border and then visited Mexico to deal with the intensifying crisis around immigration. Go here for articles that dig into this.


* January 8th Livestream surpasses its $20,000 goal—Forward to Meet the $100,000 Goal to Put Revolution on the Map in 2023!: Right now the revcoms are fighting to raise $100,000. This week we feature a report on last week’s livestream which raised over $20,000 of that goal and reports on some activities people have undertaken. One important feature of that livestream was the very moving written responses that people had sent in to the recent interview with Bob Avakian. Go to this page to see the overview of the drive thus far, the responses to the interviews, and some of the new activities.

* “Internationalism—The Whole World Comes First”—that’s a quote from BA that tries to consistently apply. This week we report on Sean Penn’s gushing and utterly irresponsible shilling for the Ukraine war at the Golden Globes, paired up with Bob Avakian’s piece from last year, “Sean Penn’s Delirious Madness And the Danger of Nuclear War”; we have updates from the heroic struggle being waged by the people of Iran against their repressive theocratic government; and we have a piece from The Revolution, Nothing Less! YouTube show that ties it altogether.

Scientist Rebel Fired for Sounding the Alarm on the Climate Emergency. Wake-Up Actions Like These Are Righteous! This Retaliation Must Not Stand! We Need System Change, NOT Climate Change! tells the story how the courageous scientist Dr. Rose Abramoff was fired from her job, apparently due to her insistence on speaking out against the destruction of the environment.

Finally, be sure to tune into The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show on YouTube every Thursday at 8 pm Eastern, 7 pm Central and 5 pm Pacific time, and—if you can—watch it with friends.

January 8th Livestream surpasses its $20,000 goal

Forward to Meet the $100,000 Goal to Put Revolution on the Map in 2023!

There is much to learn from what was accomplished in raising so far over $60,000, and the real victory of raising $20,000 during this recent livestream. At the same time, there are still big challenges before us, not only to go all out in the next month to reach the full goal of $100,000 by February 15, but to build up an ongoing sustainer base among many thousands more.  Read more.


(Livestream starts at 3:40)

       Raised: $61,479

Watch the Bob Avakian Interviews HERE (Parts 1, 2, and 3)

WWW.REVCOM.US/REVOLUTION NEWSPAPER brings alive a scientific analysis of major events in society and the world—why they are happening, how different events and developments relate to each other, how all this relates to the system we live under, where people's interests lie in relation to all this, how revolution is in fact the solution to all this and what the goals of that revolution are, how different viewpoints and programs relate, positively or negatively, to the revolution that is needed, and how people can move, and are moving, to build toward that revolution. is the guide, the pivot, the crucial tool in drawing forward, orienting, training, and organizing thousands, and influencing millions—fighting the power, and transforming the people, for revolution—hastening and preparing for the time when we can go for the whole thing, with a real chance to win.

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