In Episode 174: Andy Zee: Commentary and introduction to the episode Annie Day: Israel's escalating war in Gaza, the repression of college students, faculty and others speaking out against the war... & what everyone who wants to see an end to this, and all other horrors, must do right now. Andy Zee interviews Saree Makdisi, a Palestinian-American professor of English at UCLA. Bob Avakian on a central part of the strategy for preparing for revolution that is expressed in the slogan "Fight the Power, & Transform the People, for Revolution" (excerpt from The Bob Avakian Interviews). Raymond Lotta takes on the lies, demagoguery, and war mongering from Yale professor Timothy Snyder, a shameless apologist for the U.S. empire. Announcement of the special upcoming Thanksgiving show, including a special segment by Sunsara Taylor on Joshua in the Bible and what this tells us about the situation in Israel and Palestine today. |