
Sunday, January 28, 2024

We Don't Have an Immigration Problem-We have an Imperialism Problem - Support the team of Revcoms on the ground at the Texas/Mexico Border


We Don’t Have an Immigration Problem—We Have an Imperialism Problem!

Support the team of Revcoms on the ground at the Texas/Mexico border!

From the team:

“We are in Eagle Pass, Texas bringing the message of revolution to the border. An intense fight between the openly fascist governor of Texas Greg Abbott and the mass deporting Biden administration could become a flashpoint of a bigger confrontation, but when the rulers are at each other’s throats and society is being torn apart, the choice for humanity is not to side with one oppressor or another but to rise up and make revolution. We are recruiting YOU to get organized for this revolution NOW, when we actually have a chance to win. DONATE. Imagine how much we can get revolution on the map and in the air if teams are on the ground changing the way people are seeing these momentous times.”

Revcoms at the Texas-Mexico border

Revcoms at Eagle Pass on the Texas/Mexico border

Imagine how much we can get revolution on the map and in the air if teams are on the ground changing the way people are seeing these momentous times.


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