
Tuesday, July 2, 2024

You watched the "presidential" debate!? Donate to a whole different future!


You watched the "presidential" debate, with these decrepit monsters representing different forms of the same horrific system?

Now watch these Interviews with Bob Avakian—the revolutionary leader for a time when the future hangs in the balance. A leader who breaks down an emancipating vision and plan for a radically different, and far better world. A leader who is heart and soul, and hard-core, for revolution!

And donate to REVOLUTION SUMMER 2024! $50,000 by July 4.

We are working for a REAL REVOLUTION, for a whole new emancipating way to live, a fundamentally different system. This summer we are working to bring forward the forces for this revolution. And as part of this, we are fighting to STOP the U.S./Israeli genocide of Palestinians NOW! Another World IS Possible! 

$32,929 has been raised toward the $50,000 goal. Donate now and help meet the goal by July 4.

A donor has generously put forward a $5,000 matching challenge–

whatever you donate NOW will be doubled:

Shaping up before us now are two fundamentally opposed futures: Something Terrible, Or Something Truly Emancipating. And this truth rings out now more powerfully than ever: Which future we get depends to a great extent on what we do.

DONATE—where you go to scientifically understand and radically change the world... Go to every day.